Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Examples Of Epic Heroes - 888 Words

Has anyone in your life made a life changing impact on you? Perhaps a hero? There are many types of heroes including old heroes, New heroes, and heroes in stories. The best of the heroes are the epic heroes. Epic heroes are people who are admired for great achievements or affect a grand event. Beowulf is one of those well known epic heros that was a well known hero to the gates. He was a warrior and showed characteristics such as loyalty, generosity, and bravery. These characteristics is which makes him a hero. He wants to help people and can always be trusted. His country and people depended on him and his actions to protect them. Just like American soldiers today protect our country. That is who I believe to be our best epic heroes†¦show more content†¦Then he would realizes what he was over there to do and that was to fulfill his promise of protecting his country. Everybody has fear only heros know how to deal with it, therefore becoming fearless. My epic hero and Beowul f would both walk into any battle risking their lives for their people. Beowulf is a very courageous man as well as an American soldier. Beowulf is a very brave and courageous person. His actions toward the monster Grendel that was terrorizing the Danes show that he is willing to help others. In an epic it is usually found that the hero often determines the fate of a nation or group of people. Beowulf has definitely helped the Danes and his own people the Geats in their triumph over evil by killing Grendel his mom and the dragon. American soldiers that is a medic on the field. They have to be full of courage. They go out saving their mens lives that have been injured with very little protection for themselves. A medic gets the call that there is a man down. He is running towards the bullets and fighting, when most normal people would be running away. There bullets flying past his head, bombs dropping everywhere, and he is trying to save a mans live. The medic finally makes it to the bunker where the man is lying. The man is screaming in pain while the me dic is calm, relaxed, and focused. How does a man do such a thing? Well only a Epic hero who is very courages can. Finally, heros such as Beowulf and American soldiers areShow MoreRelatedEssay On Selflessness In Beowulf783 Words   |  4 Pagesare no heroes and no monsters in this world. Only children should be allowed to use these words† ― Alfred de Vigny, from Stello. As opposed to Alfred de Vigny’s statement claiming that there are no heroes or monsters in the modern world, I believe that certain qualities which are extremely ubiquitous in modern society as well as in the epic poem Beowulf, align completely with the archetype of an epic hero, these qualities being selflessness, generosity, and bravery. 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