Friday, May 15, 2020

Cataracts Curing in Marine Park - Target Audience, Potential Funding, Leading Health Indicators Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The Healthy People Health Indicators to be addressed are Access to Health Services and Environmental Quality. The project aims to improve access on the cataracts health services. It also aims to create awareness creation on how the sun rays (Environmental Issue) impacts on the eyes (NYCPedia, 2013). The project will achieve the goal through development of additional health centers that specializes in the cataracts treatment. In return, costs in relation to treatment are will be reduced and the same time the geographical distance will be reduced. The project will improve the number of qualified physicians in the area (Healthy People 2020, 2012). The implementation of the project will improve access to health services (Leading Indicator 1). PartnersThe partners for the project will be the local community, the county government, the state and the federal government. Interested professional, more so in the health field will also be considered for partnership. The already existing health centers and bodies that have been working in the field of health will be approached too for partnership. The partnership will be done at all levels of the community with both the locals and the community leaders being involved. We will write a custom essay sample on Cataracts Curing in Marine Park - Target Audience, Potential Funding, Leading Health Indicators or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The major aim of this will be to ensure sustainability of the project such that it may exist even after the exit project is conducted (County of Marin, 2014). Potential FundingThe potential funders will be in the global, regional and local levels. The global level will include approaching the intergovernmental bodies like the World Health Organization, UNESCO among others. Another potential funder will be the federal government of the United States. Since the project aims to support its citizens, we will hope for donations and grants from the federal government of the U. S. This can be provided through the platforms like the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality funding and grants (AHRO, 2015). This will also apply to the state and county government. Additional funds will be expected through donation from the locals who will be willing.

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