Friday, November 15, 2019

Leadership Styles Of Bill Gates History Essay

Leadership Styles Of Bill Gates History Essay Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Kurt Lewin (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of leadership. This early study has been very influential and established three major leadership styles. The three major styles of leadership are   Authoritarian or autocratic Participative or democratic Delegative or Free Reign Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style. In my essay I have selected two leaders as follows. 1.BILL GATES. 2.LAXMI MITTAL. BILL GATES. A middle-aged caucasian man wearing business attire and glasses The co-founder of Microsoft has been consistently ranked as one of the richest men in the world. Gates, on the other hand, has never succumbed to the temptations of his wealth and has pledged to part with massive amounts of it for charitable causes. Bill Gates, the creator Windows, the most popular operating system in the world, is known for being the entrepreneur who revolutionized the computing industry. A college drop-out, he started Microsoft out of his garage and work hard to build it. The company is now amongst the biggest corporations on the world.  Gates has always maintained  that nothing can replace hard work. People try for shortcuts but all they taste is temporary success which soon fades out. His leadership mantras are always overwhelming and managers across the world yearn to learn and get inspired from him. We bring you some of his most insightful leadership mantras: On Hard Work People used to wonder that how a college dropout who started the company from a garage could make it this big. Little did they realise that he had substantial experience in programming and had done years and years of hard work before kicking it off. It was this experience which helped him build the first software by Microsoft: MS DOS. Gates does not believe in the  concept of overnight success. Hard work is what truly counts in the long the run. On Following your Passion Making millions through programming was not his priority; Gates was just following his heart, his passion. Programming was his obsession and it gave him happiness. He has always maintained that  good entrepreneurs follow their passion  rather than experimenting unnecessarily. That way they only end up losing focus. Rather than just chasing the rupee sign, managers and entrepreneurs should work hard to chase their passion. Money will come chasing on its own! On Giving Back Gates says, If you want to become a leader that people admire and respect, you must become a person of significance. People dont follow you because you take from them; they follow you because you give to them. Apart from being the tech-czar he is, Gates is also known all over the world for all the philanthropy he does via his  Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. He believes that giving back to the society is as important as taking from it. This is what sets a leader apart from others. Strive to live out a life that makes a difference in this world; give back more than what youve taken from society. Your life then will be a true success, remarks Gates. On Vision A leader should have the vision and that too an impeccable one. He should be able to see what might lie ahead in times to come. Bill Gates could see that the future of computers was in the software, not in the hardware. This made things easy for him as he now had well-defined targets to chase. According to Gates,  most successful people have had a vision which has enabled them to make it out big in the world. A leader sans vision soon loses team and goes out of the race. On Failures Gates has always viewed failures as valuable learning lessons.  As Windows was gaining popularity, a good number of people were reporting problems in it every day and a lot of criticism used to pour in on a routine basis. Bill Gates took all this in a positive way. These were valuable lessons for him which made him more determined to improve Windows. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning, says Bill Gates. LAKSHMI MITTAL Aditya Mittal, son of London-based Indian steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, is one of the Young Global Leaders nominated to attend the World Economic Forum annual meeting scheduled to be held in Davos in June. Young Global Leaders is a ?1-million pounds project that aims to find 1,111 under-40 year olds to solve the worlds problems. The WEF on Tuesday announced the first list of 237 nominees including Aditya Mittal, 28, chief financial officer of the Mittal Steel Company. A transactional leader:Mittal is a transactional leader who guides and motivates his follower in the direction of  established goals by clarifying  role and  task requirements.The leader Mittal is a great individual as besides business he has worked a lot for his people.   a corporate leader in businessstarted the trend of mergers around the world, caring family man, complete human being . QUALITIESAND  DISTINCTIVENESS Hardworking   Outstanding vision   Convincing   Motivating   Guiding   Zeal and fierceness Capacity to lead   Bravery Awards and Honors Aside his achievements in business, Lakshmi Mittal was awarded Fortune magazinesEuropean Businessman of the Year 2004 and also Steelmaker of the Year in 1996 by. Bibliography LAXMI MITTAL. (n.d.). Retrieved 02 15, 2013, from MITTAL: WORD COUNT=906 ESSAY 2 LEADERSHIP AND CULTURAL AWARENESS. TREATY OF WAITANGI. The Treaty of Waitangi is a treaty first signed on 6 February 1840 by representatives of the British Crown and various Maori chiefs from the North Island of New Zealand. The Treaty established a British Governor of New Zealand, recognised MÄ ori ownership of their lands and other properties, and gave the MÄ ori the rights of British subjects. The English and MÄ ori versions of the Treaty differed significantly, so there is no consensus as to exactly what was agreed to. From the British point of view, the Treaty gave Britain sovereignty over New Zealand, and gave the Governor the right to govern the country. MÄ ori believed they ceded to the Crown a right of governance in return for protection, without giving up their authority to manage their own affairs. After the initial signing at Waitangi, copies of the Treaty were taken around New Zealand and over the following months many other chiefs signed. In total there are nine copies of the Treaty of Waitangi including the original signed on 6 February 1840. Around 530 to 540 chiefs, at least 13 of them women, signed the Treaty of Waitangi. New immigrants While Maori were presenting New Zealanders with a bicultural perspective, immigration was making the country multicultural. Until the 1960s most immigrants to New Zealand were British and easily adjusted to New Zealand life. The considerable Dutch community who arrived in the 1950s were expected to adopt local customs. But in the 1970s there were two important changes. First, the end of assistance to British immigrants in 1975 challenged expectations that the British were the best potential New Zealanders. From then on, immigrants were to be chosen on non-ethnic grounds. Second, there were significant migrations from other countries. There was an influx first from the Pacific Islands and from the mid-1980s an increasing number from other places predominantly Asia, but also, from the 1990s onwards, from Africa and the Middle East. By 2006 only 67% of people living in New Zealand were exclusively of European blood, compared to over 90% 30 years before. The multicultural idea Many of these people, from a wide range of cultures, settled down, took up citizenship and brought up New Zealand-born children. This was a major challenge to the idea of who New Zealanders were. Initiated in Canada and picked up in the 1970s in Australia, the concept of multiculturalism quickly spread to New Zealand. It was proposed that people could be legitimate members of the New Zealand nation while retaining their own language, foods and traditions. At the first New Zealand Day ceremony at Waitangi in 1974 there were ostentatious efforts to put New Zealands ethnic variety on display. Non-British New Zealanders As the numbers of non-British people increased, their cultural differences became more evident. In South Auckland, Pacific Islanders congregated and evolved a distinctive New Zealand Pacific culture which was more than the sum of their different cultures. Large .Asian communities who had originally been settled throughout the country came together in areas with their own schools and styles of housing. Not everyone accepted these developments with equanimity. A new political group emerged, significantly called the New Zealand Party, which expressed unease at the challenge to older traditions of New Zealanders. Yet the issue was made more complex because by the early 2000s in some very traditional areas, particularly sport and music, Pacific Islanders were playing an important role. Prominent figures such as All Black rugby players Tina Omega and Jonah Loma, Silver Fern netballer Bernice Mane, discus champion Beatrice Famine, and hip hop artists Chef Fu and Scribe had become national heroes, and it was difficult to argue they were not real New Zealanders. In another arena, Cambodian bakeries were now making a classic New Zealand dish, the meat pie, and winning national awards. Challenge for a new century At the beginning of the 21st century it was not easy to define the New Zealander, or even to explain the origin of many New Zealand characteristics. The character of the countrys people had been in part shaped by the physical environment the outdoor climate, the proximity to beach and bush, the location in the South Pacific. No less important were the very different cultures brought to the country by waves of settlers Maori who arrived some 700 years ago from the Pacific, the British and Irish who dominated the population for over a century from 1850, and more recent immigrants from Asia and the Pacific. All of these groups would have agreed that each were New Zealanders. All would have accepted that New Zealanders were no longer Better Britons. But the cultural meaning of the New Zealander had become uncertain. How it would evolve was one of the major issues for the new century. HR Practice in New Zealand General Recruitment practices Recruiting practices in New Zealand have taken the same path as most other western countries. Over the last fifty years we have seen the appearance of the recruitment industry as a service offering in its own right and in the last ten years we have seen rapid change as service providers merge, deny and re-invent themselves. The 1990s marked the onset of a trend towards acquisition of home grown agencies by large global operations. While some agencies have maintained their brand identity they are commonly part of a wider global network. This trend will continue in the future and we will see the gradual disappearance of mid range recruiting organisations as the market becomes based on local presence of large global players and small niche players with tightly focused specialist markets. The Online World the impact of the Web on Recruitment First we saw the job boards, and then came the interactive job boards and now we have the next generation of applications that have workflow and auto notification email and online assessment. The growth of web enabled processes and the emergence of recruitment is having a major impact not only on the process of recruitment and selection, it is also transforming the nature of relationships between recruitment service providers and their customers. The internet has disinter mediated the recruitment industry, enabling a recruiting manager to have a relationship directly with potential candidates. For many years the power and value of a recruitment agency lay in their relational database of people and they added value to a customer by advertising, screening, assessing and short listing. Who you knew, having a relationship with them, and being able to introduce them to a customer provided a revenue stream to a recruitment provider. It matters less who you know now because the Internet can do all these things at a fraction of the cost. The value chain for recruitment services is changing from a candidate placement model to one of providing unbundled services. Most major companies in New Zealand have job pages on their websites and some have highly interactive recruitment software with associated workflow enabling fast and personal interaction with candidates. (human resource mnagement in newzealand, 2011) Bibliography human resource mnagement in newzealand. (2011). Retrieved 02 15, 2013, from Human resource: ESSAY 3 INFLUENCES ON LEADERSHIP Fred Hollows Frederick Fred Cossom Hollows, AC (9 April 1929   10 February 1993) was a New Zealand and Australian opthalmologies who became known for his work in restoring eyesight for countless thousands of people in Australiaand many other countries. It has been estimated that more than one million people in the world can see today because of initiatives instigated by Hollows, the most notable example being The Fred Hollows Foundation. Early life Fred Hollows was one of four children, the others being Colin, John and Maurice. All were born is Dunedin,NewZealnd to Joseph and Clarice (Marshall) Hollows. He had one year of informal primary schooling at North East Valley Primary School and began attending Palmerston boys high schoolwhen he was 13. Hollows received his BA degree fromVictoria university of Wellington. He briefly studied at a seminary, but decided against a life in the clergy. After observing the doctors at a mental hospital during some charity work, he instead enrolled at Otago Medical univeristy. While living in Dunedin he was an active member of the New Zealand and made several first ascents of mountains in the Mount Aspiring region of Central Otago. . Hollows were a member of the Community party of New Zealand during the 1950s and 1960s. In 1961 he went to Moorefield eyes hospital in England to study ophthalmology. He then did post-graduate work in Wales before moving to Australian 1965 where he became associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. From 1965-1992 he chaired the ophthalmology division overseeing the teaching departments at the University of New South Wales, and the Prince of Wales and Prince Henry hospitals. Social Responsibility of Fred Hollows. Our vision is for a world where no one is needlessly blind, and Indigenous Australians enjoy the same health and life expectancy as other Australians. With the help of our supporters, The Foundation is assisting more people in more countries than ever before. Photo: Sandy Scheltema/The Age The Fred Hollows Foundation is inspired by the work of the late Professor Fred Hollows (1929-1993).à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ Fred was an eye doctor, a skilled surgeon of international renown and a social justice activist. Fred was committed to improving the health of Indigenous Australians and to reducing the cost of eye health care and treatment in developing countries. The Foundation was established in Sydney in 1992, five months before Fred passed away, with the aim of continuing and expanding on the program work he had started in Eritrea, Vietnam and Indigenous Australia. Foundation now works throughout Africa, Asia (South and South East) and Australia, focusing on blindness prevention and Australian Indigenous health. Through reducing the cost of cataract operations to as little as $25 in some developing countries, we have helped to restore the sight of more than 1,000,000 people worldwide. At The Fred Hollows Foundation we: believe that everyone has the right to sight, and that Indigenous Australians have the right to the same health outcomes as other Australians advocate for these rights, and collaborate with partners individuals, communities, organisations and governments to overcome avoidable blindness everywhere work together with organisations in Australia to achieve the highest attainable standard of health, including eye health, for Indigenous Australians respect and seek to learn from our partners with the aim of strengthening local institutions and systems wherever we work share skills and resources with organisations working in the same area to avoid replicating services and support already provided promote innovative thinking and considered risk-taking in pursuit of our goals are committed to being accountable, honest and transparent in everything we do apply our values to promote good governance within our own organisation. Corporate governance The Corporate Governance Charter sets out the principles and practices The Foundations Directors will uphold and implement to fulfil the public trust vested in them to protect Freds legacy and fulfil his vision. Professor Fred Hollows. Photo: Colin Townsend/Fairfaxphotos Professor Fred Hollows. Photo: Colin Townsend/Fairfaxphotos In exercising this responsibility, Directors will be guided by the values and passions that imbued Freds life: A confidence that restoring sight to people who are needlessly blind opens up new options for them and enriches their families and communities A commitment to respect, promote and protect the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and particularly their rights to health and life expectancy on a par with other Australians A determination to contribute in a meaningful way to a more equitable worlwhere high quality health care is available to all A conviction that our goals can only be achieved if we work in true partnership with local people and agencies and support them to find their own lasting solutions A belief that the best path forward is always found through openness and collaboration, and through forging effective partnerships with people and agencies of like mind who share those values. (The Foundation, 2012) Bibliography The Foundation. (2012). Retrieved 02 15, 2013, from The fred Hollows Foundation:

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