Friday, November 8, 2019

George Meade Essays - George Meade, Meade County, South Dakota

George Meade Essays - George Meade, Meade County, South Dakota George Meade George Meade Do you know who was the general for the Second Battle of Bull Run? Everyone kGeorge Meadenowswhat the Second Battle of Bull Run is but who was the general? Some people even knowthat the North won that battle. Most people do not know that General George Meadedefeated General Lee at that battle. General George Mead accomplished much duringwartime.General George Meade had many accomplishments during wartime. First of all, hedefeated General Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run. Why would not General Meadecrush General Lee at this battle and end the war there? Facts say that heavy fog and rainforced Meade to stop. Likewise, on June 1, !863 a surprise encounter forced his troopsinto the Battle of Gettysburg, the greatest battle on American soil. This battle came aboutwhen General Lee's army needed shoes. The two forces met here on accident and fought toa victory for the North. Lee acknowledged his defeat and retreated to Virginia. Not onlydid Meade serve in the Civil War, but also served in the Mexican War. He served in thebattles of Palo Alto, Monterey, and Veracruz. During these he served under GeneralZachory Taylor. To sum up, General George Meade accomplished many things during histime at war. Each of General George Meade's accomplishments had one major effect on howlife is today. To start, if Meade had not defeated Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run thewar would not have started off positively for the North. This was important because thesoldiers gained their confidence when they won this battle. If the North would have lostthe entire war the U.S. would be two different countries. Secondly, Meade's defeat of Leeat the accidental Gettysburg. This was a battle that turned the war around and gave theNorth the advantage. This was the North's first victory in a long time. Finally, if the U.S.had not have won the Mexican War, Where Meade served as a soldier, the U.S. would nothave gained the southwest portion of the country. This ,as you remember, was where thegold rush took place that caused the country to spread out over the land. As has beenshown, Meade's accomplishments had many effects on how life is lived today.There are many things that would be different if George Meade had never lived. For one thing, the North might not have won the first battle of the war causing the soldiersto lose confidence and maybe lose the war. If the South had won the war the U.S. wouldbe split into two countries right now. Also, if the north did not the greatest battle onAmerican soil, Gettysburg, it could have been the end of the war right there at Gettysburg. If the North would have lost the war the U.S. would be two different countries, as was saidearlier. Last, if the U.S. had not won the Mexican War we would have lost some of ourland to Mexico. The U.S. would have also not had the Gold Rush that took place inCalifornia. In conclusion, the country would have been very different if George Meade hadnever lived.General George Meade accomplished much during wartime. Most people do notknow that Meade defeated Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run . Some people even knowthat the North won that battle. Everyone knows what the Second Battle of Bull Run is butwho was the general? Bibliography Cleaves, Freeman. Meade, George Gordon. Collier's Encyclopedia. Vol. 15.1989.Sefton, James E. Meade, George Gordon. The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol.15. 1994.Meade, George G. Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia. Version 2.01vw.Carlsbad, California: Compton's New Media, 1994. CD-ROM.Meade, George Gordon. Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. Danbury,Connecticut: Grolier, 1990.Meade, George Gordon. Who's Who in American History. Historical Volume.St. Louis,Missouri: Van Hoffman Press,1967.

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