Sunday, January 5, 2020

Nigeria The Giant of Africa Essay - 1783 Words

Nigeria, a country that exalts itself as the â€Å"Giant of Africa†, viewed by neighboring countries as â€Å"big in words, little in action,† has an opportunity to walk softly, but carry a big stick. Islamic terrorist group, Boko Haram, which operates in the northern states of Nigeria, has arguably gained control of the area and has incited fear in many of northern Nigeria’s citizens. Violence has spread like wildfire in parts of Nigeria, and people are asking, â€Å"is Nigeria capable of dealing with an insurgency of this level?†, and â€Å"If Nigeria is being significantly threatened by a group as loosely organized, but as deadly, as Boko Haram, what chance do we have to contain an insurgency?† Nigeria has the potential to be an economic powerhouse of†¦show more content†¦Unrestrained violence conducted by Boko Haram will create the perception that the government of Nigeria is incapable of defending itself and its citizens against Islami c terrorists, like Boko Haram. This will result in economic losses in northern Nigerian states. Overall, a weaker northern Nigeria will have negative effects on the economic development of the nation. If all of these effects play out, they will stand to internally destabilize Nigeria. Nigeria currently receives poor marks from human rights watch groups (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, 2009). An aspect of the poor marks is due to the Sharia law type of governance that was introduced in northern states of Nigeria by Boko Haram (United Kingdom, 2011). Boko Haram uses these strict interpretations of the Quran to advocate for their actions. The Nigerian government has attempted to combat Boko Haram’s actions, but largely to no avail. Violence committed by Boko Haram has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Nigerians. As a result, citizens of northern Nigeria have begun migration. This has resulted in the closing of over 5,000 businesses in northern Nigeria, particularly in the states of Bauchi, Borno, Yobe, and neighboring African countries (Aro, 2013). A 2011 World Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development reported that violence committed by Boko Haram has resulted in an economic loss of approximately 6Show MoreRelatedWalmart Is An Extraordinary Organization That Has Expanded Across International Borders1609 Words   |  7 PagesWalmart’s business coming from its international operations, there was only a matter of time before the corporate giant set its eyes on the African continent. Due to slow domestic sales and growth in 2009 and 2010, it was necessary that Walmart expand its international business in order to increase profitability and avoid stagnation. With a growing middle class and rising wages, Africa became a prime target for Walmart’s growth and development. 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