Friday, December 20, 2019

A Research Study On Infant Feeding Practices - 1552 Words

Breastfeeding may be natural by evolutionary standards, but it is not always simple. As a researcher with particular interests in human breast milk and infant growth and development, I often receive questions from friends and family about the infamous breastfeeding versus formula debate. The physiological intercommunication between mother and offspring has always fascinated me, especially the fluctuations in breast milk composition over time. The type of food an infant is â€Å"supposed to† intake – breast milk – is not always an option due to various physiological or exogenous factors. Here, I review the nutritional composition of breast milk and infant formula, focusing on macronutrients – protein, fat, and carbohydrates. In addition, I attempt to tease apart the role of early-life nutrition beyond the confines of physiology and health, and discuss historical and cultural information regarding infant feeding practices in the United States. Ultimately, I hope to convey that food choices, especially the foods we give to our offspring, cannot be reduced to either biology or culture, and instead are a unique union of the two. Breast milk production is unique to the mammalian species (the name ‘mammalian’ is derived from the anatomical mammary gland). It is produced by the mother post-delivery, and is generally the first form of food that an infant will consume. Breast milk is ideal for infant nutritional requirements because its composition is individually designed to fit uniqueShow MoreRelatedThe Initiation Of Breastfeeding Remains A National Initiative1085 Words   |  5 Pagesinitiative in order to improve neonatal outcomes, this is especially true for the preterm infant. 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