Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Ugliness of War in Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum...

The Ugliness of War in Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est is seen as a strong expression of the ugliness of war, and an attack on the idea of war being glorious (Kerr 48). It transmits an irritating clip, with full animation and in vivid colors, of embittered and battered soldiers marching to their death. It also, cogently presents a nightmarish vision of hell uploading all its demons into the root directory of an impoverished soldier who saw one of his comrades gassed to death. The images that Owen confected with the skill of a professional craftsman remain grafted in the readers memory long after the poem is read, echoing its sober message times and times again. The soldiers voice†¦show more content†¦In spite of his attempt at, what might seem to some critics, some colloquialism, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, blood-shod, the poem is marked by its high diction and entrancing expression that smell of the styles of previous generations of traditional poets. In short, the poem with its imitation of conventional poetic form, excellence of diction, elevated language, and persuasion effect is a paradigm of what Longinus terms the sublime in expression. A thorough examination of the poem reveals the Longinus sublimity of articulation through the use of adjuration (l. 25), asyndeton (l. 2, 3), accumulation of figures of speech (l. 1-6), hyperbaton (l. 3, 13), periphrasis (l. 4) and familiar language in its right place (l.1, 2, 9, 20). The manipulation of these figures of speech wrapped in traditional rhymes and cadences cannot possibly represent the actual idiom of a wretched, battered and embittered soldier, during an intensely traumatic moment of his life. This failure of representation confirms my suspicion that the poet at the moment of composing the text has never felt the intensity of the experience described by the traumatized soldier. It is true that Owen joined the war; and it is true that he tragically died in the front few days before the end of the war, yet he seems to have made peace with war. His published letters from the front to his family do not reflect, even from a distance, the soldiers sentiment and emotion in Dulce et Decorum est. OnShow MoreRelatedDulce Et Decorum Est2255 Words   |  10 Pages «Dulce et decorum est », Wilfred Owen (1917, 1920)  «Dulce et decorum est » is a poem written by British poet Wilfred Owen, during World War one, in 1917. The translation of the Latin title is:  «It is sweet and proper ». The completed sentence is as follows:  «It is sweet and proper to die for ones country ». This forms, what the writer refers to as,  «The old Lie ». The poem holds a strong criticism towards the conventional view of war at that written time. I shall now comment briefly on that timesRead MoreDulce Et Decorum Est2249 Words   |  9 Pages «Dulce et decorum est », Wilfred Owen (1917, 1920)  «Dulce et decorum est » is a poem written by British poet Wilfred Owen, during World War one, in 1917. The translation of the Latin title is:  «It is sweet and proper ». The completed sentence is as follows:  «It is sweet and proper to die for ones country ». This forms, what the writer refers to as,  «The old Lie ». The poem holds a strong criticism towards the conventional view of war at that written time. I shall now comment briefly on that times

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Research Study On Infant Feeding Practices - 1552 Words

Breastfeeding may be natural by evolutionary standards, but it is not always simple. As a researcher with particular interests in human breast milk and infant growth and development, I often receive questions from friends and family about the infamous breastfeeding versus formula debate. The physiological intercommunication between mother and offspring has always fascinated me, especially the fluctuations in breast milk composition over time. The type of food an infant is â€Å"supposed to† intake – breast milk – is not always an option due to various physiological or exogenous factors. Here, I review the nutritional composition of breast milk and infant formula, focusing on macronutrients – protein, fat, and carbohydrates. In addition, I attempt to tease apart the role of early-life nutrition beyond the confines of physiology and health, and discuss historical and cultural information regarding infant feeding practices in the United States. Ultimately, I hope to convey that food choices, especially the foods we give to our offspring, cannot be reduced to either biology or culture, and instead are a unique union of the two. Breast milk production is unique to the mammalian species (the name ‘mammalian’ is derived from the anatomical mammary gland). It is produced by the mother post-delivery, and is generally the first form of food that an infant will consume. Breast milk is ideal for infant nutritional requirements because its composition is individually designed to fit uniqueShow MoreRelatedThe Initiation Of Breastfeeding Remains A National Initiative1085 Words   |  5 Pagesinitiative in order to improve neonatal outcomes, this is especially true for the preterm infant. Obstetricians, midwives, neonatologists, and nurses can take the opportunity when presented with an impending preterm delivery to educate the parents (particularly the mother) of the significance of providing her infant with human milk (HM), predominantly in the first two weeks of life. The following research studies present evidence of a decrease in morbidities, specifically necrotizing enterocolitisRead MoreA Researc h Study On Nursing Practice1604 Words   |  7 PagesNursing practice is always evolving as new studies and new findings are discovered. As practicing nurses, it becomes our job to stay up to date with these findings and effectively implement them into our daily practice in efforts to enhance the quality of care our patients receive and to provide them with the best possible outcomes. Many nursing practices are implemented into daily care only after research studies have been conducted. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Parmemides and Heraclitus on change Essay Example For Students

Parmemides and Heraclitus on change Essay Heraclitus argued there was a single divine law of the universe, which rules and guides the cosmos. This is the Logos. He said that the logos both underlies and governs change. Heraclitus compares the logos to fire an element that is always changing yet always the same. For example he said, The sun is new each day.(Curd Pg. 38 88) His view was that all things are derived from a single arche or starting point and that as now constituted all things are organized within a single world structure or Kosmos. (5.17 Robinson) In other words all things are one. In Heraclitean cosmology the components turn into one another according to certain rules. The struggle between the opposites will always be evenly balanced, gains in one region by one force being always simultaneously offset by equal gains elsewhere by the opposed force. Some examples would be Fire lives the death of earth and air lives the death of fire, water lives the death of air, earth that of water. (Maximus of Tyre 41.4)Another example would be the changes of fire: first sea, and of sea half is earth, half fiery thunderbolt . . . . earth is dispersed as sea, and is measured out in the same proportion as before it became earth.(5.16 Robinson) Heraclitus also has the idea of alternates, the thought that if there is a road going down there must be one going up. With this the idea of opposing forces comes into play. When one force gains the other has to loose the same amount because the change has to be equal. In the case of fire it is kindled in measures as it is being extinguished in measures. Water is another element that is always changing. His reasoning for this is that you can not step into the same river twice. The water is always moving, swirling and flowing. The area of the river may be the same but it is always changing. If it did not flow it would cease to be a river. Both fire and water are in perpetual motion. Heraclitus said, even the posset separates if it is not stirred. Things are always in motion though they may stay the same. Parmenides view on change is just the opposite of Heraclitus in that nothing changes and everything is at rest. Everything is and there is not nothing. If a person can think something then it is something. A person cant think of nothing. For you could not know what is not that is impossible nor could you express it. (6.5 Robinson) But to think about something and it really existing are two different things. Parmenides sums that thought up by saying, that which is there to be spoken and thought of must be. For it is possible for it to be, but not possible for nothing to be. (Simplicus 86.27-28) Change is impossible because for change to happen it has to stop being what it is and become something else. That goes against his whole theory. First for something to stop being would mean it would become nothing and that is impossible and second to become something else would mean something would have to come from nothing. An example of this would be the different colors of the leaves on a tree in the fall. The leaf would have to stop being green and become the other color. Parmenides thinks souls are eternal. As far as he is concerned we dont just come into existence or pass away. That would mean that we come from nothing. Parmenides said But since there is a furthest limit, it is complete, on all sides like the bulk of a well-rounded ball, evenly balanced in way from the middle; for it must be not all greater or smaller here than there.(Curd pg.48 42) Every thing is contained within the limit. Nothing can move or ch ange because it is contained within the boundary. .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 , .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .postImageUrl , .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 , .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:hover , .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:visited , .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:active { border:0!important; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:active , .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38 .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u615680b21802fbcd2c1167f5578d8e38:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Stephen Crane On Heroism EssayOf the two arguments I agree more with Heraclitus than Parmenides. I think that everything is always changing. If nothing changed this world would stay the same. To say that fire and water are always in motion and changing are the best arguments I see in his idea. I could not get into Parmenides argument at all it was too much. To say that nothing changes is totally absurd. Bibliography:Biliography1. An Introduction to Early Greek Philosophy Author: Robinson, John MansleyHoughton Mifflin Company Boston 19682. A Presocratics Reader Author Curd, PatriciaHackett Publishing Co., Inc. Indianapolis 1995

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Traveling Down The Road free essay sample

Describe how the experiences you’ve had, the people you’ve met, and the activities you’ve joined have prepared you to reflect the honesty, integrity, and willingness to give back as expected of a Daniels Scholar. Life is full of adventures, and it’s our choice to choose the right path or not. During our long journey to success, we always make little mistakes, but learn them a long the way. It is a part of life that we explore, have fun, and to try something different for a change. Maybe to make the best time for today and in the future so it won’t always be boring and difficult. Life is like an obstacle course, it has many challenges that we have to go through that can make us struggle. Life has many difficulties that we all face that makes us weak, but later on we get stronger by learning them. We will write a custom essay sample on Traveling Down The Road or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My life is being compared to a car on a long drive. A new car that has never been driven before is like me walking for the first time and start to explore new things and new areas that I’ve never seen or been to. My ideas and my way of life started to open up more. I wanted to try new things and have fun with my friends in my old quiet neighbor hood. Later on when I was a little bit older, I start to realize that life is not always perfect. Experiencing that un-perfect life was a hard thing to deal with. It was difficult for me to face and made me weak, but later on I got stronger everyday. I tried not to deal with my emotions and tried to make things right again. My road was rough like a dirt rocky road going up a mountain, then turned out to be smooth like a pavement road. The rough areas were starting to go away into the smooth areas. I got my emotions together to start a new era. I started changing the person who I am. I was little and weak transformed into young women wi th stronger emotions. When school was about to start again in the year 2003, I was starting to be a fifth grader and be in a new school called Skyview Elementary. I had no friends for the longest time till this girl name Morgan started talking to me. I noticed for a couple of days that she didn’t have any friends either. Morgan and I started to hang out more during recess and after school during the year. I thought to myself that my life is starting to get better, until I met her dark side that I never knew she had. One day during recess we were playing a game on the play ground. She taught me how to play a game that I’ve never heard. I listen to the instructions carefully and thought I understood clear enough. When we played, Morgan stopped the game right away. She yelled at me saying I was playing it all wrong. We tried playing it again. She stopped then slapped me in the face. I got mad and asked â€Å"Why did you slap me for?†. She yelled back at me said â⠂¬Å"You’re playing it wrong†. We stopped playing and hardly talk to each other after that. During the school years through middle school, I was alone at first, trying to get use to a new big school and new faces around. Later on I made new friends, bad friends that I always got in trouble with, but I started getting mature and getting my act straightened out. During my freshman year in high school, I started to make better friends along the way. I met my best friend Ashley during my freshman year. We’ve been friends for three years now and we always help each other when we are in need of help. Our three years of friendship, we’ve only gotten into two little fights, but we always work things out. Together till the end, the friendship will last in our memories and in our journey. My life hasn’t always been successful in my journey, but it isn’t over yet. In journey, I will keep going to my success. I will not give up on my pride and integrity. I will be strong.