Thursday, October 17, 2019

Key features of skill and composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Key features of skill and composition - Essay Example The game ensures that each player is concentrating on making goals. Thus, each player must also focus on playing an aggressive and intense game ensuring effective communication and making quick decisions along the way. The most important aspect of the game is playing in synchrony which allows an effective and victorious game for the team (Hale & Collins). With the game being as competitive as it is, it is necessary for the players to be well-versed in the knowledge of the game along with being agile and highly skilled. The basic skill required by any rugby player is their use of the ball. This includes how the player picks up the ball, how to control the ball by falling onto it and how to pick up a ball from the ground (Oberhoizer). While these might seem like minute details to the discerning eye they will be of great importance during the game. The skills required for rugby concentrate not on the ball alone. The handling of the ball is also of great importance. The different handling of the ball is important as are the tackling skills while running with the ball. Included in these are the kicking skills that ensure that the player excels not only by running with the ball but also protecting the ball from defense. The passing skills are just as important. Thus, catching, passing, kicking, tackling and evasion are all considered to be important skills while playing rugby. With all these skills it's expected for rugby to be a difficult and strenuous game to play. It is for this reason that playing a safe game is vital to ensure the true spirit of the game (Greenwood 2003). Every player is expected to use exercises that best manipulate and create their skills to help in the game. Not only are the players taught skills but also how to implement these skills in the best way possible (Passos 2008). The traditional modes of rugby teachings are deterministic. They leave no place for spontaneity instead depending on the playing itself. The performance of the players is kept against the variations in play because of the uncertainty of the game. Thus when the game is planned, coaches work to ensure that the variability of the players' actions and their decision making skills are decreased because of the plans that they must play out. This can be done by practicing skills without any opposition or facing passive opposition to ensure that the team's skills are p erfected. It also includes practicing drills in a repetitive order to make sure that the players movements are not uncertain during the game. By practicing according to these rules, the movements of the players become fluid and predictable, reducing the chances of a mistake or surprise move during the game. However, the playing of the game itself is still dependant on the agility and skills of each individual. There is also the belief that it is necessary for any successful player to change and adapt accordingly to the game. Even if the player has practiced a specific move, the changing dynamics of the game will ensure that it's difficult to imply them. Thus, according to Lebed it is vital for the players to be accustomed to playing a competitive match (2006). This is a far cry from the traditional methods which decide on a planned game. The biggest criticism is the fact that this type of

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