Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Genetically Modified Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Genetically Modified Food - Essay Example Other studies resist wide spread and implementation of the technology because of concerns that GMO foods can cross biological boundaries and cause harm to humans and the environment. Besides safety and environmental aspects, the topic draws a lot of socio-economic concerns, public knowledge and attitude, confidence in decision-making institutions and ethical concerns that shape consumer perceptions of the risks posed by GM foods. Public opinion is a force that should have been taken into account if gene engineering needed to be successful in developing new product especially the controversial GM foods. The issue of GM food is made complex by the various interested groups, the different perceptions of risk and reward as well as the conflicting perceptions regarding the benefits and costs associated with the controversial products. The answers behind the controversy are complicated ranging from ethical to religious to even potential health and safety impacts posed by the technology in GM foods. Supporters of the genetic modification in foods highlight the premise that the technology is capable of meeting not only the basic food needs of the society but also achieving nutritional, environmental and economic benefits to the consumers. Sceptics of GM foods consider this to an unnecessary interference with nature that poses unknown and potentially catastrophic consequences. According to Hossain et al (2003), regardless of the potential of GM foods, they have received mixed regulatory and public acceptance within the US and other parts of the world. Moreover, regardless of the prevailing technological challenges, consumer acceptance of GM foods remains an essential factor that determines the future of the technology. This stems from the scarcity of reliable information regarding consumer awareness and perception concerning the significant subject. Based on a sample population of students, Hossain et al (2003) found the students were reluctant to consume food with GM

Monday, October 28, 2019

Learning Strategies and Information-Processing Development Essay Example for Free

Learning Strategies and Information-Processing Development Essay Learning can be simply defined as the process that leads to relatively permanent change in behavior or potential change in a person’s behavior. Learning makes one change the way they perceive the environment, react to stimuli and interact. Cognitive psychology is a very important branch of modern psychology. The main focus of this approach is the memory-how information is stored and retrieved. Several theories have been developed with regard to this subject such as the stage theory (Atkinson Shriffin, 1968). The stage theory model is widely accepted since it proposes that information is processed and stored in three sequential stages i.e. â€Å"the sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory† (Atkinson Shriffin, 1968, p. 90). In addition to this model other accepted theories include levels-of-processing theory proposed by Craik and Lockhart (1972), the parallel-distributed processing model and the connectionistic model. This paper examines how attention, memory, recognition and knowledge are related to various learning strategies. In addition, the paper discusses how visual-perceptual, motor and language relate to information processing development. Information processing development As stated in the introduction above, cognitive psychology forms an integral part of the discipline of psychology. The most widely used theory is the stage theory whose focus is on how information is stored in memory. Information is processed in three stages and this is done in a serial and scholastic manner. Another important theory is the â€Å"levels-of-processing† theory whose proposition is that the learner utilizes different levels of explanation as he or she processes in formation. A major advantage of the information-processing strategies is in their explicitness and accuracy in diving complex cognitive functions into distinct elements that can be easily studied. However, when it comes to analyzing cognition into its distinct parts; information processing fails to re-unite them into a general, comprehensive construct. In addition, most information processing tools such as computer models have lost touch with real-life learning experiences (Berk, 2009). Information processing approach towards cognition seeks to explain how the learner (children and adults) operate on the different types of information. Most scholars view the mind as a complex system (a type of computer) through which information flows and is manipulated. General models such as the store model by Atkinson and Shiffrin assume that information is stored in three parts of the brain for processing: â€Å"the sensory register, short-term memory, and long-term memory† (Berk, 2010, para.1). Craik and Lockhart (1972) level-of-processing model assumes that information is transferred from working memory to the long-term memory depending on the level processing. There exist several other information processing developmental models such as the Case’s theory which is a reinterpretation of Piaget’s theory of information processing model. Case views cognitive development as the increase in information processing capacity as a result of brain development which can be linked to more efficient learning strategies. Connectionism on the other hand explains information processing development as a result of learning strategies such as computer-simulated strategies which enhance; inter-connectivity of processing units that are well stratified just like the neurological structure of the brain. Siegler’s using his model of learning strategy choice argues that, learners always generate a number of strategies for problem solving, the more the experience, the more strategies are selected or discarded (Kail Cavanaugh, 2008). Attention is a critical factor when it comes to human thinking, it dictates the information that will be considered when undertaking a task. Attention is greatly enhanced during early and middle stages of childhood. Thus, improved attention makes one to be more adaptable, selective and organized. Enhanced cognitive reticence and efficacy of attentional learning strategies are pertinent to the fine-tuning of selective attention. The fine tuning of attentional learning strategies takes place in four stages: â€Å"production deficiency, control deficiency, utilization deficiency, and effective strategy use† (para.2). Whenever there is a problem with attention students would develop learning disorders. The argument here is that, when a student is learning a new concept, their attention needs to be focused on the new concept.   If they fail to fully pay their attention, it means that they will have a serious problem with the learning of the new information (Kail Cavanaugh, 2008). Memory strategies are said to improve with age, as children continue to develop various methods such as, organization, and elaboration. This increases the likelihood of storing information in working memory and its consequential transfer to the long-term knowledge bank. Thus, over childhood stages and even in adolescence, students’ recall steadily improves as knowledge is continually amassed and its organization is improved effectively. Childrens metacognitive abilities usually change from passivity to activity. A more productive view of mental functioning increases with the increase in awareness of information processing strategies, cognitive aptitudes, and task variables. Self-regulation cognitively develops gradually during childhood and adolescence stages. Recently, scholars of information-processing have focused their attention towards academic learning of children (Berk, 2009). Visual-perceptual, motor and language relation to information processing development A visual-perceptual skill is simply the brain’s ability to process information as seen.   Previously, most scholars had assumed that a deficiency in visual-perceptual skills was directly linked to the malfunctioning of the eye.   That is having a poor physical vision or poor muscle control in the eye. However, the presence or absence of physical vision has nothing to do with visual perceptual. Instead, visual perceptual refers to the ability of the brain the receiving of visual information, its interpretation, organization, storage, and transmission Thus, if a student’s brain is not properly storing information, recall will definitely be poor. This directly affects the student’s ability to concentrate and read since he or she has a slow recall of words. The slowing down of recall can also have a negative impact on their mathematical abilities let alone their fluency in speech and reading (Smith 2004). Language and phonological processing abilities are affected by the student’s ability to store, process, and retrieve information.   Usually language and phonological problems are rooted to reading disorders.   Many students with reading disorders have difficulty storing, processing, and retrieving information.   A normal student’s left brain hemisphere becomes dominant when they are carrying out tasks involving language processing (Berk 2009). A student’s motor skills are also an important factor when discussing about learning strategies.   Children will learn from their interaction with the environment; this ability is affected hindered by a child’s motor or verbal skills, a child will learn better when their motor skills are well developed.   This can be observed in a math class.   A conventional practice in the learning of fractions is the use of multiplication.   A student with a problem with their motor skills will have a problem with the use of manipulatives.   Thus they will definitely have it rough when it comes to the learning of fractions (Berk, 2010). Conclusion This paper argues that there exist several other information processing developmental models such as the Case’s theory which is a reinterpretation of Piaget’s theory of information processing model. Case views cognitive development as the increase in information processing capacity as a result of brain development which can be linked to more efficient learning strategies. The most widely used theory is the stage theory whose focus is on how information is stored in memory. Learning strategies such as memory strategies are pertinent to the process of information development. Information processing approach towards cognition explains how the learner operates on various kinds of information. The mind is a complex system (a type of computer) through which information flows and is manipulated. Deficits in information processing skills have negative impacts on a student’s ability to learn effectively. This is attributed to the reason that all learning is relatively cumulative.  Thus, problems in learning should be detected early in enough and solved otherwise; they would get worse with advancement of age.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thoughts :: essays research papers

The paradox of our time in history is that we have Taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, But have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have Bigger houses and smaller families, more Conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees But less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, More experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but Less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, and spend too Recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get Too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read Too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our Values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate Too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've Been all the way to the moon and back, but have Trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've Done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We Write more, but learn less. We plan more, but Accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to Wait. We build more computers to hold more Information, to produce more copies than ever, but We communicate less and less. These are the times of fast foods and slow Digestion, big men and small character, steep Profits and shallow relationships. These are the Days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier Houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick Trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one Night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do Everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a Time when there is much in the showroom window and Nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can Bring this letter to you, and a time when you can Choose either to share this insight, or to just hit Delete. Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, Because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to You in awe, because that little person soon will Grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, Because that is the only treasure you can give with

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing of Lucky Charms

General Mills Goes Ceriously Retro Target is running a 1-month exclusive with General Mills showcasing retro packaging around Cocoa Puffs, Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Trix, Kix and other brands within their cereal portfolio. A collectable t-shirt is promoted on the new retro-themed packaging, offering consumers the chance to get a vintage-styled tee of their favorite morning munch. Overall, its a smart play. Target gains exclusivity, consumers feel rewarded with a limited piece of throwback merch, and wearing the fashion creates conversations around the cereal brands and must-have appeal for young-ins. A website has been built to offer up a chance to win the tees. This isn’t the first time General Mills or others have tapped the retro look. Junk Food was wildly popular with teens a few years back via licensed t-shirts using iconic General Mills logos and characters such as Lucky Charms, Trix and others 70’s and 80’s characters. Mountain Dew and Pepsi recently announched retro packaging and product formulated with real sugar in their Throwback LTO. Dew has also used their past icons successful in recent campaigns such as Green Label Art showcasing their legenday Hillbilly character. General Mills is likely reaching a younger consumer, a savvy trend follower that will still rock the retro tee, which will likely fare well when it’s time for parents to write their grocery lists. This type of straightforward offer often favors well in a value-focused economic environment where there is a lot of pressure on established name brands to keep generic from brands taking market share. Hell, even I’d consider rocking a Boo Berry t-shirt to the gym for anyone looking to pick me up a gift on my b-day (which is a only a month away)! General Mills to make all its cereals from healthier ingredients By Bob Faw NBC News updated 12:37 p. m. ET, Thurs. , Sept. 30, 2004 Each year the average American downs 160 bowls of cereal. Thursday will see a tremor in this $9-billion-a-year industry as General Mills announces that all of its cereals — not just Wheaties and Cheerios, but Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms — will be made with whole grains. â€Å"Emerging science continues to support the benefits of whole grains in people's diets whether t be heart health or maintaining a healthy body weight, and we are trying to make it easy,† says John Haugen, vice president of marketing at General Mills. â€Å"When the †¦ consumer trend of being more health conscious came out, we lost sales to competitors who were already in that space,† says Tony Alvaraez, CEO of Interstate Brands. While General Mills says it's spending millions on the switch to whole grains, the amount of sugar in its cereals — 13 grams, for example, in just one cup of Trix — won't change. So some industry observers are accusing General Mills of gimmickry. â€Å"Certainly it's a marketing ploy. This is about marketing. It's not really about nutrition,† says Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University. Still, many mothers are applauding General Mills. â€Å"If it's to better the health of kids and whoever eats it, it's about time they started getting it done,† says Kris Simonson. Die-hard consumers like her daughter Kali Simonson could care less. As long as the cereal tastes good, she doesn’t care what's in it.  © 2008 msnbc. com_ Reprints_ *General Mills Thrives on Increased Marketing Spending: *Boosting TV Ads Hiked Cereal Sales, But Digital ROI Even Higher BOCA RATON, Fla. AdAge. com) — General Mills, one of the package-food industry's top performers, laid out a number of recent marketing successes at the Consumer Analysts Group of New York conference this morning, and offered a preview of the rest of its fiscal year. The company has staunchly supported consumer-marketing spending increases — 19% in the first half of fiscal 200 9, which began in June — while competitors, including Kellogg and Kraft, have begun to scale back on the heady marketing outlays of 2008, instead preaching bundling and greater return on investment. General Mills estimates that its consumer-marketing spending will be up by â€Å"double digits† for the full fiscal year. CEO Ken Powell has repeatedly said that it's particularly important to support well-known brands during the current economy. â€Å"We're meeting here in Florida at a time of great economic uncertainty around the world,† Mr. Powell said. â€Å"General Mills has weathered the storm due in large part to the strength of our product categories and the strength of our brands. † He underscored that the company has a number of well-known 50-year-old brands, such as Cheerios and Pillsbury, as well as 30-year-old brands such as Yoplait and Nature Valley, that consumers trust. Positive response General Mills' sales have responded well to increased marketing support as consumers are eating more at home. Sales grew 11% in the first half of fiscal 2009, to $7. 5 billion. The company has raised guidance with each of the first two quarters. General Mills is doing so well that analysts had been expecting the company to raise its earnings guidance again this morning. For the balance of 2009, the company said it is planning a broadcast blitz for its cereal brands. Ian Friendly, chief operating officer of U. S. retail operations, said he expects the ad program to generate the biggest bump in sales. The company's Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Multigrain Cheerios and Lucky Charms have been faring particularly well. General Mills is launching Banana Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Chex, and Fiber One Frosted Shredded Wheat cereals in the coming months. Some of these products are likely to be advertised to baby boomers, who Mr. Friendly noted will make up about half of the U. S. population by 2010. When I started here in 1983, we didn't do much advertising to baby boomers,† he said, adding that boomers are eating more cereal as they age. â€Å"We're targeting them directly now. † The company is also working harder to target Hispanics, with Progresso products such as Menudo being tested in Texas. Mr. Friendly said the company credits Hispanic-targeted advertising for Honey Nut Cheerios with a 35% increase in year-to-date sales with those consume rs. Bromley Communications is General Mills' Hispanic agency. Online growth But while the bulk of the company's spend remains on TV, Mr. Friendly said in a conference with reporters that it has begun to see significantly higher return on digital investment. General Mills has been diverting funds online, driving traffic to recipe sites such as BettyCrocker. com. The company's cooking sites had about 8 million visitors last month. General Mills also recently launched a free Betty Crocker iPhone application, which offers meal suggestions based on what's in a consumer's pantry. â€Å"We are seeing very high returns from digital than broadcast,† Mr. Friendly said, declining to give the percentage of spending that's moved online. â€Å"It's ot that our TV ads don't work, but when you're watching TV you're doing it for a different reason. When you go to a website you have a very specific purpose. † General Mills Thanks Its Lucky Charms, Melinda Peer, 06. 18. 08, 5:45 PM ET http://www. forbes. com/2008/06/18/general-mills-guidance-markets-equity-cx_mp_markets38_print. html With higher ingredient costs eating int o food companies' profits, General Mills surprised investors with news that full-year results would be better than expected. That's because they've been serving up extra costs to consumers. Shares of General Mills, Inc. gained $1. 1, or 3. 2%, to close at $62. 64 on Wednesday after the company said year-end results would top guidance thanks to a 13. 0% sales increase in the fourth-quarter. The food company, which boasts popular brands like Cheerios, Yoplait, Green Giant and Haagen-Daz, now expects 2008 earnings of $3. 71 a share and sales of $13. 7 billion. Earnings, adjusted to exclude a favorable tax ruling and gains from valuations of commodity holdings, are expected to be $3. 52 a share–an 11. 0% increase from last year's earnings of $3. 18 a share. Analysts had been expecting earnings of $3. 48 and sales of $13. 4 billion. The company's previous guidance had been for adjusted earnings between $3. 45 and $3. 47 a share. But with commodity prices showing no signs of falling, it's unclear how long the General Mills can expect consumers to foot the bill. Cocoa U. S. futures soared to a 28-year high at $3,122 a tonne as investors responded to reports of pressured supply in the Ivory Coast, the world's top cocoa grower. Corn for delivery in July 2009 matched Monday's high of $8. 07 a bushel before settling ahead by 6 cents at about $8. 01 a bushel. General Mills, however, expects growth to meet or exceed expectations through 2009. It guided for adjusted earnings in the range of $3. 78 to $3. 83 a share. Analysts have been expecting earnings of $3. 81 a share in 2009. Rival company Kellogg's, raised prices in January to offset expensive raw material costs. Rather than hiking prices again, the company said it would shrink the size of cereal boxes instead and sell them for the same price (See: Kellogg's Crumbling Profits). Kellogg's skimmed an average of 2. 4 ounces from boxes that will be used for 14 products under brands like Apple Jacks, Cocoa Krispies, Corn Pops, Froot Loops and Honey Smacks. The boxes shipped to U. S. stores earlier this month.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius Essay

Life was different back in the 1880s. The telephone had just been invented, James Garfield was president, and doctors used heroin and cocaine as medicine. Alas, many doctors knew very little about medicine. Oftentimes unsafe and unsterile practices were used on patients. The NY Times reports that, â€Å"At least a dozen medical experts probed the President [Garfield]’s wound, often with unsterilized metal instruments or bare hands, as was common at the time. Historians agree that massive infection, which resulted from unsterile practices, contributed to Garfield’s death. One man suggested that they turn the president upside down and see if the bullet would just fall out. † Because of their usual lack of success, doctors did not charge very much for their services; it was very affordable most of the time, even for middle class families. However, as time and technology progressed, the cost of healthcare and medical instruments dramatically rose. In his â€Å"New Deal† package, President Roosevelt proposed a state-run healthcare system with compulsory health insurance for state residents, but states could choose whether to participate. The federal government would provide some subsidies and set minimum standards that the state had to adhere by. While the proposal did not pass, the idea of universal healthcare coverage for everyone stuck. Since Roosevelt, every single Democratic President elected into office has attempted to pass a version of universal health care, but none have achieved the feat. That is, until President Obama was sworn into office in January 2009. In his 2008 presidential campaign, he made healthcare reform a central issue. Both parties adopted their version of reform, but since Democrats held a majority in the House and the Senate at the time, their version was the one that passed. On March 23rd, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (dubbed by many Republicans as â€Å"ObamaCare†). According to the White House, it claims four key components of the law: stronger consumer rights and protections (which includes a ban on lifetime limits, a ban on denying children health insurance based on pre-existing conditions, and a ban on coverage cancellations), more affordable coverage (Private insurers must provide justification for double-digit increases in premiums), better access to care (Preventative screenings for cancer are now free), and stronger Medicare (Provides relief to seniors who cannot afford prescription drugs). Since insurance companies are required to provide care, it makes sense to buy insurance only when you need it. In other words, wait until you get sick to buy insurance, because they cannot turn you down. In order to combat this, the law includes an individual mandate, which requires anyone that can afford it to buy health insurance, or pay a penalty to the IRS. In essence, this is the part of the law that pays for it all. This is also the section many Republicans hate. In their philosophy, the government cannot force someone to buy something they may or may not need. They argued that this law was unconstitutional, and they sued in federal court to have the law nullified. There were three cases overall: one from the states (Florida v. U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. ), one from the federal government (U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. v. Florida), and one from the National Federation of Independent Business (Nat’l Fed. of Independent Bus. v. Sebelius). Due to conflicting rulings from the lower courts in different jurisdictions, the Supreme Court decided to hear the case to settle the differences. From March 26th to March 28th, 2012, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments from both sides. On the first day, the court heard argument over whether the Tax Anti-Injunction Act passed into law in 1867 barred the Supreme Court from even making a decision in this case. The Tax Anti-Injunction Act says, â€Å"No suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court by any person, whether or not such person is the person against whom such tax was assessed. † Basically, it means that you cannot sue the government for a tax you believe is unfair, until you have already paid that tax. This was passed into law to prevent people from filing lawsuits against the government to avoid paying taxes. Potentially, this could mean that no one can challenge the constitutionality of the ACA (Affordable Care Act) until someone has actually paid the penalty. At the earliest, they could sue on April 15th, 2015. The Supreme Court held that since Congress specifically labeled the consequences of the mandate as a penalty rather than a tax, the Anti-Injunction Act did not apply to this case, and that the court had the authority to hear the arguments. On the second day, the court heard arguments over whether the ndividual mandate component of the ACA fell under the constitutional powers of Congress. There were two arguments from the Solicitor General’s side (the ones supporting the constitutionality of the ACA): the ACA was constitutional under the commerce clause, and that the ACA was constitutional under the taxing power of Congress. The states (the ones claiming the ACA is unconstitutional) argued that Congress could not create commerce for it to regulate, and that the law described the consequences of the mandate a â€Å"penalty†, therefore it is not a tax. On the third day, the court heard arguments on the severability of the law. They questioned whether the ACA could survive if the court struck down the individual mandate. In the end, in a 5-4 decision, the court upheld the individual mandate component of the ACA as a valid exercise of the taxing power of Congress. They concluded that a financial penalty for not buying something constituted a non-direct tax. Because it is a non-direct tax, it is not required to be apportioned among the several states. The justices that voted for the constitutionality of the law are the four liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and the conservative Chief Justice John Roberts. The justices that voted against the constitutionality of the law are the other four conservative justices: Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas. John Roberts was the key swing vote. When asked why he voted for a law he is personally against, Chief Justice John Roberts responded, â€Å"The Framers created a Federal Government of limited powers, and assigned to this Court the duty of enforcing those limits. The Court does so today. But the Court does not express an opinion on the wisdom of the Affordable Care Act. Under the Constitution, that judgment is reserved to the people. In my opinion, I applaud the decision of the Court. From the beginning, I thought the penalty was a tax; I assumed it was called a penalty for political purposes. People would not like the idea of a tax increase. In reality, the penalty is collected in the same manner as a tax, so there are no real differences between the two. I have also gained a newfound respect for Chief Justice John Roberts. I think it is commendable to put the law in front of your personal beliefs. He has done exactly what is expected of a Supreme Court justice. If I were a Supreme Court justice, I would have made he same decision that he and the four liberal justices made. There are two types of consequences this law holds: political and provisional. The provisional consequences of the law are the ones directly stated in the law: a ban on lifetime limits, Medicaid expansion, etc. The political consequences of this law are not explicitly stated, however they can be inferred and speculated upon. There are three major political consequences. The first consequence is that Obama can claim a major victory. He can now say his law withstood a Supreme Court challenge and passed the constitutionality test. A defeat would have been bad for the administration and the campaign. Instead, he has a chance to re-energize his base and reinstate the flow of campaign cash. The second consequence is that now that the law is no longer a legal issue, it becomes a campaign issue. Both Obama and Romney must sell voters on Obamacare. The court ruling could have stir a shift in public opinion among independent voters, and both candidates must appeal to this shift. Obama will insist this law was the right thing to do, while Romney will propose a new healthcare reform bill. The third consequence is that the ruling will enrage Republicans and make them more eager to vote for Romney so he can repeal the law. Voter turnout is expected to be lower than it was in 2008, and anything that can increase the turnout will be beneficial for Romney. This law and its subsequent legal challenge have major political consequences. Whether you live in the 1880s or in the present day, chances are you will need health care at some point in your life. Ever since President Roosevelt proposed universal health care back in the 1930s, many politicians have tried to pass it into law. Until the ACA, it was considered politically impossible; the idea just did not appeal to voters. The law has withstood a major legal challenge, and it will be up to Obama and Romney to convince independent voters that their version of healthcare reform is the best. If Obama wins the election, in 2014 everyone that can afford it must buy health insurance, whether they want to or not. If they don’t, they will pay a tax equivalent to 1% of their income. If Romney wins the election, he will try to repeal the ACA and replace it with a reform package of his own. Only time will tell what will happen.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

History of the Korean Broadcasting Essays

History of the Korean Broadcasting Essays History of the Korean Broadcasting Paper History of the Korean Broadcasting Paper History of the Korean Broadcasting Early Stage(~1926) The first broadcasting of Korea was carried out by the Bureau of Post of the Chosun Trustee Government in 1924. At that time, the Bureau of Post acquired receiver and sender for the experimental broadcasting. The first experimental broadcasting was successful in November 1924 with 750 Kh/50W, and from 1925 on the Bureau of Post Wireless Laboratory broadcasted 4 times a week. the following year (1926) the Kyungsung Broadcasting Corporation was incorporated as a non-profit organization. Beginning(1927~1944) After a long period of experiments the formal broadcasting was launched in February 16, 1927, and the first wireless relay was introduced in June of the same year. From 1930 on, with the increase of power Two separate channels, one for Korean and one for Japanese, were installed. Jungdong Station was improved, and Yonhee Broadcasting Station was improved, and Yonhee Broadcasting Station was built. In 1933 the Yonhee Station sent two channels with the channel one in Japanese and the channel two in Korean. The original Kyungsung Broadcasting Corporation changed its name to the Kyungsung Central Broadcasting as a consequence of the expansion of the broadcasting network in 1935. In 1937, after two years, with the change of the frequency and increase of the power, the second broadcasting could be monitored countrywide by a simple receiver. Reshuffling and Reconstruction(1953~1960) Since the Korean independence and the Japanese surrender in the World War II, the second broadcasting has been changed to the first one with Korean language. After three years, in 1948 with establishment of the new government of the Republic of Korea, the Kyungsung Central Broadcasting was renamed to the National Broadcasting Corporation and operated under the auspices of the Ministry of Information. The Korean War in 1950 tumed the progress of the Korea Broadcasting System into a chaos. Despite the tumultuous experienced by the war, Korea became a regular member of the International Frequency Conference, and in 1952 became a member country of the ITU. During these tumultuous periods, the Chungjoo Broadcasting Station, Jeju Broadcasting Station and Namwon Broadcasting Station were newly opened. Growth(1961~1972) The Seoul International Broadcasting Center was established to promote gradually from the medium ware overseas broadcasting to the short wave. Along with this. new private broadcasting companies sprouted. In the religious sectors. the Christian Broadcasting System(CBS). International Gospels Broadcasting(HLKX). and in the commercial sectors, Busan Cultural Broadcasting(HLKV) were opened. Under the special settlement, the Army Broadcasting, United Nations Army Headquarters Broadcasting(VUNC), American Forces Korean Network(AFKN) were opened subsequently. During these periods, a new Television broadcasting appeared which hallmarked the technological breakthrough appeared which hallmarked the technological breakthrough in the broadcasting history. In 1956 Huang Tai Yong set up a private commercial television station(HLKZ-TV) by combining commercial concept with cultural aspects, but the HLKZ-TV had soon after a financial trouble and merged into the Daihan Broadcasting System. IN 1957 US Army opened AFKN-TV Transition(1973~1979) The Seoul International Broadcasting Center opened East South Asia Broadcasting in 1962, Vietnamese short wave Broadcasting 1964, German language broadcasting in 1961, Spanish language broadcasting in 1962. Finally the nationwide television broadcasting has been started with commercial advertisements. Meantime, Dong A Broadcasting(HLKJ), Dongyang Broadcasting(HlKC), TBCtelevision(HLCE), MBC Telvision(HLAC), and FM Station were born in these periods. In order to be a part of Satellite Communication Age, Korea participated in international relay via satellite in 1970. A typical example is to receive the Apollo 13 Moon Expedition through a communication satellite for 100 minutes. Transition(1973~1979) With television in full activity, the public KBS as well as the private broadcasting were in their zenith. Most important of all, the Korean Broadcasting Corporation was opened in March 3, 1973, and construction of a new broadcasting complex was under way in Youido, and the Complex was completed in March 1976. A historical broadcasting was lunched in November 1st. Overseas short wave broadcasting station was built in Kimje, and short wave transmission facilities were rapidly expanded. Internationally Korea received frequency band as well as orbit for the future satellite broadcasting. This became the landmark of satellite communication plans for DBS(Direct Broadcasting System). In 1974 Korea became a associate member of European Broadcasting Union(EBU). Maturity(1980~1990) Since 1980, one of the great transformation in Korean broadcasting history was to consolidate all the broadcasting companies under one umbrella. Under the recommendation of the Korean Broadcasting Association, the KBS took over all five private broadcasting companies consisting of TBS, DBS, Korea FM, Jonil Broadcasting, and Sohai Broadcasting. The Basic Press Control Act became effective in 1981, and the Broadcasting Commercial Advertisement Control Act was enacted. Experimental broadcasting of color television has been tested in December 1980, and in 1981 a new additional UHF channel for the high school educational broadcasting was taken over to form the Third Television Station. A new age of multiplex broadcasting was opened for the multi-sound broadcasting and the teletext broadcasting. Automation of transmission and relay was also accomplished. New broadcasting companies in this period were born including Seoul Broadcasting System(SBS), Education Broadcasting System(EBS), peace Broadcasting Company(PBS), Buddhist Broadcasting System(BBS), and Traffics Broadcasting System(TBS) with new FM stations. Future Broadcasting(1991~) It is difficult to predict what kind of course the future broadcasting will take, however we may imagine (1) the more diversified use of the existing broadcasting radiowave and (2) introduction of new media through research and development. New media in wireless system include AM Stereo Broadcasting, Satellite Broadcasting, and High Definition Television(HDTV), and in the cable system, videotext, teleconference, video information communication and Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting(ISDB). In satellite broadcasting, Korea joined INTELSAT in 1967, and lunched its first Mugoonghua(Rose of Sharon, the korean national flower) satellite, and, from July 1st, 1996, entered domestic satellite broadcasting service. the next step is of course the HDTV. Inventions in Korean Broadcasting History Digital Multimedia Broadcasting(DMB) Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) is a digital radio transmission technology developed in South Korea as part of the national IT project for sending multimedia such as TV, radio and datacasting to mobile devices such as mobile phones. This technology, sometimes known as mobile TV, should not be confused with Digital Audio Broadcasting which was developed as a research project for the European Union. DMB was originally developed in South Korea as the next generation digital technology to replace the FM radio. The worlds first official mobile TV service started in South Korea in May 2005, although trials were available much earlier. It can operate via satellite (S-DMB) or terrestrial (T-DMB) transmission. 3D Television (3DTV) A 3D television (3DTV) is a television set that employs techniques of 3D presentation, such as stereoscopic capture, multi-view capture, or 2D-plus-depth, and a 3D display – a special viewing device to project a television program into a realistic three-dimensional field. 3DTVs have been introduced in the markets by Panasonic, LG and Samsung. Major Broadcasting Companies in Korea KBS(Korea Broadcasting System_ Korea Broadcasting System is the oldest and biggest Broadcasting station in Korea. This public broadcasting network is best known for nightly newscasts and lavish historical dramas. KBS is a public organization that, by law, receives public funding from the Korean Government but is independently managed. As mentioned on the Korean Constitution, the president of KBS is recommended by its board of directors to the President of Korea. Political parties in Korea have the right to name members of the board of directors of KBS. Since the President of South Korea usually has leadership over the members of the ruling party, KBSs president is considered to be designated by the president of Korea. This procedure has incurred worries of political intervention in KBS governance and has led to many thinking that the current system of recruiting needs to be revised. SBS(Seoul Broadcasting Station) Seoul Broadcasting Station (SBS) KRX: 034120 is a national South Korean television and radio network. It is the only private commercial broadcaster with a wide regional Network to operate in the country. On March 17, 2009, the company legally became known as SBS, changing its corporate name from Seoul Broadcasting Station. ( ). Seoul Broadcasting Station is still commonly used today. SBS TV transmits on Channel 6 for Analog and Channel 16 for Digital. MBC(Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation) Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) is one of four major national South Korean television and radio networks. Munhwa is the Korean word for culture. Its flagship terrestrial television station is channel 11 on VHF in Seoul. Twice government-owned, the network is owned by the Foundation of Broadcast Culture (which owns 70% of the companys stock), while the Jung-Su Scholarship Foundation owns 30%. MBC receives no government subsidy, and derives its income almost entirely from commercial advertising. It has 19 regional stations, and 10 subsidiaries. The network evolved from Busan Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, the first private broadcasting corporation in the country. As of 2011, MBC has over 4,000 employees. It has provided terrestrial digital TV service in the ATSC format since 2001, and T-DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) service since 2005. EBS(Educational Broadcasting System) Educational Broadcasting System( ) or EBS is an educational television and radio network covering South Korean territory. EBS strives to supplement school education and promote lifelong education for everyone in Korea. Korean Drama Korean drama (Korean: ) refers to televised dramas, in a miniseries format, produced in the Korean language. Many of these dramas have become popular throughout Asia and have contributed to the general phenomenon of the Korean wave, known as Hallyu, and also Drama Fever in some countries. Most popular Korean dramas have also become popular in other parts of the world such as Latin America, the Middle East, and elsewhere. Some of the most internationally popular Korean dramas are Winter Sonata, Dae Jang Geum, Full House, Stairway to Heaven, My Girl, Love Story in Harvard, Autumn in My Heart, My Lovely Sam Soon, Delightful Girl Choon-hyang, Yi San, Boys Over Flowers, Youre Beautiful, Brilliant Legacy, Queen Seondeok, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo, IRIS, Personal Preference, Secret Garden, Dream High and Athena: Goddess of War. King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo had hit an outstanding 50. 8 with its last episode on KBS. The genres that most internationally popular Korean dramas belong to are often romance, romantic comedy and historical dramas. An exception includes IRIS and Athena: Goddess of War, which are spy action thrillers. Most other Korean dramas popular throughout Asia or beyond are either romances, romantic comedies or historical. Popular Korean historical dramas almost all hold a serious tone, while Korean dramas with a modern setting have a balanced share of both serious and more lighthearted themes. Genre of Korean Drama There are two main genres of Korean dramas, generally speaking. The first genre is similar to soap operas but without the never ending plot and frank sexual content. These dramas typically involve conflicts such as single and marital relationships, money bargaining, relationships between in-laws (usually between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law), and often complicated love triangles while the female hero usually falls in love with the main character who may treat her badly since the beginning, instead of the one who always cares for her. These dramas last anywhere from 16 episodes to over 100 (most often not exceeding 200). Most plots of Korean soap operas are similar where a love triangle is always present. The other main genre is Korean historical dramas (also known as sa geuk), which are fictionalized dramatizations of Korean history. Korean historical dramas typically involve very complex story lines with elaborate costumes, sets and special effects. Martial arts, sword fighting and horsemanship are frequently a big component of Korean historical dramas as well. Korean dramas, whether the historical dramas or modern dramas, typically are characterized by excellent production quality, characters with depth, intelligent scriptwriting but largely relies on the use of archetypal characters. As they are designed as family entertainment to satisfy a broad audience, there are typically a combination of human interest story elements across most of the historical dramas interwoven themes of family, romance, friendship, martial arts, political strategy, wars, trade, etc. These stories are, therefore, usually of interest to all women and men, young and old. Entertainment Korean entertainment programs consist of four main genre: real variety, talent competition, comedy show, talk show and music concert. Especially, real variety show is the trend in Korean broadcasting industry. KBS, MBC and SBS, three major broadcasting companies, are competing with one another with their real variety shows. Happy Sunday Happy Sunday (Korean: ) is a Korean reality-variety show shown on the KBS2 network, which competes directly against MBCs Sunday Sunday Night and SBSs Good Sunday line-up. It consist of two segments: 1 Night and 2 Days and Qualifying Men. In the segment called 1 Night and 2 Days, hosted by Kang Ho Dong, the members go on an overnight trip to various places of interest in Korea. The aim of the segment is to recommend holiday destinations to its viewers. Qualifying Men is a show where a group of mostly middle-aged male celebrities try to complete missions (deemed to be of a quality required of a qualifying man) given by the Producer or sometimes thought of by the members. Infinite Challenge Infinite Challenge (Muhan Dojeon in Korean) is a Korean television entertainment program, distributed and syndicated by MBC. As of June and July 2009, it still has the largest market share for its timeslot, between 13. 8 percent and 19. 7 percent of Korean television viewers watched Muhan Dojeon at 6:40 PM every Saturday night. This makes it the top free-to-air television program on Saturday evening, and also the most viewed non-drama program in South Korea every week (excluding special sporting events, since November 2006, with the exception of January 2009, (April and May 2010). It has kept the same scheduled time, since first airing in 2005. Since 2009, it lasts for roughly 70 minutes, excluding ten minutes of advertising. Episodes are also frequently rerun on several Korean cable broadcasting channels. Since February 19, 2011 (237th episode), this programme has been aired with High Definition(HD). Good Sunday Good Sunday (Korean: ) is a South Korean reality-variety show shown on the SBS network, which competes directly against MBCs Our Sunday Night and KBS2s Happy Sunday line-up. Running Man and Kim Yu-na’s Kiss and Cry are aired in this program. Running Man (Korean: ) was first broadcast on July 11, 2010. This show is classified as an urban action variety; a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows. The MCs and guests play games and carry out missions in the landmark, and are required to win missions to earn Running Balls. The team with Running Balls will win, while the losing team will be punished. Kim Yu-nas Kiss Cry is a new survival audition program featuring champion figure skater, Kim Yu-na. Ten celebrities and ten professional skaters will form couples and challenge each other in figure skating to become the winning team, who will be performing with Kim Yu-na at a special ice show in August.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Choose a Grad School

How to Choose a Grad School What graduate programs will you apply to? Selecting a graduate school entails many considerations. Its not just a matter of determining your field of study - graduate programs in a given discipline may vary widely. Graduate programs differ in academics but also in training philosophies and emphases. In deciding where to apply, consider your own goals and directions as well as your resources. Consider the following: Basic DemographicsOnce you know your area of study and desired degree, the most basic considerations in selecting graduate programs to which to apply are location and cost. Many faculty will tell you to not be choosy about geographic location (and if you want the best shot of getting accepted you should apply far and wide) but remember that you will spend several years in graduate school. Be aware of your own preferences as you consider graduate programs. Program GoalsNot all graduate programs in a given area, like clinical psychology, for example, are the same. Programs often have different emphases and goals. Study program materials to learn about faculty and program priorities. Are students trained to produce theory or research? Are they trained for careers in academia or the real world? Are students encouraged to apply findings outside of academic contexts? This information is hard to come by and must be inferred by studying faculty interests and activities as well as examining the curriculum and requirements. Do you find the classes and curriculum interesting? FacultyWho are the faculty? What are their areas of expertise? Are they distinguished? Are they all about to retire? Do they publish with students? Can you see yourself working any of them, preferably more than one? There are many things to consider when choosing graduate programs to which to apply. It may seem time intensive and overwhelming, but putting in the time to carefully select graduate programs will make it easier later on when you are accepted and must decide where to attend that decision is much more challenging.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Canterbury Tales Essay

The Canterbury Tales Essay The Canterbury Tales Essay Interconnections between Characters in the Canterbury Tales There are numerous inter-connections between tales in The Canterbury Tales. There are also interconnections between characters across tales in the book. This could be attributed to the fact that there are themes that the author seeks to address in the book. These themes run throughout the book and are brought out by different characters within the book. Thus, whereas it may seem that there are interconnections between tales and characters within the book, it is part of a wider plot by Chaucer to bring out certain themes within the book. This paper explores some of the inter-connections between tales and characters within the book. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the most complicated and extraordinary pieces of fictional art of its time. The story revolves around thirty pilgrims journeying to Becket’s Canterbury shrine. On their way, the pilgrims hold a contest of narrating tales with moral lessons for the rest of the pilgrims to draw. The person whose tale is judged to be the best is going to win a prize. The rest of the group will also benefit from the free entertainment provided. Thus The Canterbury Tales are not tales intended purely for entertainment purposes, there is a moral lesson to every story. The youthful wife in Miller’s tale is very similar to the Wife of Bath in many aspects even as much as they appear to be very different in the in the beginning. The two women bring out the beliefs that are viewed as anti feminine in both tales in the time that Canterbury Tales were written by Chaucer although this is brought out in different ways. In Miller’s Tale, Alison the young wife has lots of passion for other men apart from her own husband. The Wife of Bath on the other hand has no shame whatsoever in displaying her multiple marriages. The Wife of Bath and Alison seem very different in the public view, they are completely similar inside. The Miller’s Tale gives a hint in the beginning that things are not as they seem, Alison is described as a weasel in the beginning, in this it is implied that Alison can sleep with anyone other than her husband and it would not bother her in any way. Alison’s character is brought out as one who does not mind about her infidelity acts in the start of the tale but in the end she does not commit adultery with Nicholas but with only one man. Alison does not agree to every man who shows in her, Absolon for instance who is absolutely infatuated by Alison is totally dismissed and she further treats him very badly to dismiss him completely. This is brought out to show the reader that she is not who she is portrayed to be in the beginning of the tale. The wife of Bath is not portrayed as an upstanding woman in the public eyes. She lets the public know that she has 5 husbands’ previously when she speaks to her audience and that she is looking forward to getting a sixth one soon. This is taken very negatively by the audience and is taken as something that is not accepted in their society. She goes ahead and tells the audience that the main reason why she marries is to get money. The Wife of Bath further tells the audience that she never value her husbands love as long as they were married since all she always wanted was his money and was content with the money. She proudly states the fact that she is proud of the fact that her husband used to feed from her own palms. The wife of Bath tells her audience out rightly that she is not alone in what she does that all women do the same thing only that they do not come out and say as she had and they do not show it to the public. In her opinion, she told the audience that women are able to lie twice more than men as long as what they know what they are defending is good for them. She also told them that women are capable of victimizing their husband’s and taking advantage of them to a great extent especially those women who are ugly. She also explained that women usually control most of the factors in their marriage hence their ability to control their husband’s money. She told them that women mostly marry for money and if not for money they marry for sex since money and sex are the main attraction for women to get into marriage and without them they walk out. If money lacks in the marriage even sex will not be possible hence money being the most important thing in every marriage she explai ned. The Wife of Bath explained that all women act like she does and they ought to act so or they will act that way in the near future no matter what. Alison in the tale hid her evil motives in the illusion of being whole while the Wife of Bath made all her life to be known to everyone. The Wife of Bath seemed to encourage all women to act as she does. Alison and The Wife of Bath are different when it comes to the public but in private they are totally similar in all ways. The Tale of the wife of Bath and the Miller’s Tale seem to be in agreement concerning anti-feminist beliefs that prevailed in the mid ages. Both women in these two tales have disregard for their husbands. Alison, the woman in the Miller’s Tale, does not have respect for her husband. She commits adultery without caring about how her actions could affect their relationship. The Wife of bath on the other hand sees her numerous husbands as sources of money. The wife of Bath does not marry for anything else but money. Her disregard for men is also not just limited to drawing money for them, she also cheats on her husband. The Miller’s tale and the tale of the wife of Bath portray women as stubborn, deceitful and conniving. Women are also portrayed as promiscuous. They cannot get enough from their husbands and have to seek sexual gratification from other men which is hardly enough. The reasons discussed above show close similarities between the wife of Bath’s tale and the Miller’s tale. Despite the fact that the experiences that bring out the similarities are markedly different, the effects of these experiences bring out common themes among the tales. One of the underlying themes brought out by the two tales is the roles that men and women played in society in the middle ages. There is also a connection between the Miller’s tale, the tale of the wife of Bath and the Knight’s tale. The connection among these three tales is the role of women in society. The Knight’s Tale is one of courtliness and good moral behavior. However, under the surface there is a strong theme of evil women. The main character in the Knight’s Tale, Emily, captures and manipulates the hearts of unsuspecting young men. Once they are under her control, she manipulates them in a similar manner to the manipulation done by the women in the Miller’s tale and the tale of the wife of Bath. The Wife of Bath’s tale and the Pardoner’s tale are not only the two most entertaining and morals lade tales within the book. Both stories as mentioned bring out the theme of morality in. Morality in the Wife of Bath’s tale is expressed through the goodness of the lowly or downtrodden in society. Towards the end of the tale, there is a clash between the protagonist and the antagonist of the story. It is only when the knight and the old woman come face to face that we clearly get the message of the wife of Bath. She teaches that gentleness does not come with one’s class but rather is a virtue that one consciously chooses to pursue. The wife goes further to say that class is earned and not something that one is born with. Despite the questionable character of the wife, she has some moral lesson to impart which she does quite well. The wife comes out as an intelligent woman when talking about the sensibilities of her time. According to her, there are many reasons why it is better to be poor than to be rich. She gives an example of the Christian faith where God, who is the most powerful, lived a life of poverty while on earth. The Pardoner’s Tale is also not short of moral lessons. The moral stance of this tale is that money is the root of all evil. The greed for money leads to a lot of ills among them two homicides. The Pardoner’s Tale is also quite entertaining. Irony is used in the tale to bring out humor. Upon stumbling on gold, the three men who find it are told by their leader that the treasure belongs to the trio referring to them as chaps. The irony is that the word chaps in the story is not used to mean that they are friends but rather the term refers to jaw bones. Unknown to the group, their leader is already planning to kill them and keep the wealth all to himself. The pardoner also gives the story of three men who were looking for a man named death. In their search, the three men fin gold. One would not associate gold with death or anything sinister. Gold is instead associated with wealth, and a good life. However, the three men ironically meet their death as a result of the discovery of the gold. The three men meet the death that they have been searching from the beginning through the discovery of the gold. The two tales have tragedies in common. Amid the tragedies, Chaucer manages to paint a picture of hope. For instance in the tale of the Wife’s Bath, the Knight gets away scot free with rape. This to a great extent is an injustice in the eyes of the reader. is online essay writing service which is committed to provide students with high-quality custom written essays, research papers and dissertations.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

To carry out study of Wireless Sensor Network in comparison three Essay

To carry out study of Wireless Sensor Network in comparison three different companies - Essay Example The first company I have chosen is the Petro-Chinas Xinjiang Dushanzi Petrochemical Company manages one of the major petrochemical schemes in China. The current plant will process sulfur-containing rudimentary oil supplied in the course of pipeline from Kazakhstan. This plant has the capacity to sanitize 10 million tons of oil and generate 1.2 million tons of ethylene for each year. This plant has installed the Wireless Sensor Network for several working purposes. For instance fixed gas recognition systems comprise a number of sensor heads that are linked to a programmable logic controller and power lines in the course of an explosion-proof stream. They have adopted the RAE Systems that is a foremost universal supplier of swiftly deployable sensor networks that assist consumers to distinguish security and safety threats in real time. Products contain multi-sensor chemical recognition, wireless gas projection, radiation and digital video inspection networks for homeland safety and man ufacturing applications. It also provides cost effectual way out to lots of industrial works. The application of Wireless Sensor Network provides numerous advantages to the Petro-China. Their average production is better than the average production capability of the Petro-China. The safety and security standards have enhanced. The user friendly wireless interface has facilitated the workers to handle and work more easily. The second company I have selected is the Pemex Gas Petroquimica Basica or PGPB that is the division of the Mexican National Oil and Gas Company that is in charge of exploration and sanitization the gas and fundamental petrochemicals all over the country. PGPB has economically managed its huge network of pipelines with a control centre situated in Mexico City and has a big section of the pipeline incorporated into their

Friday, October 18, 2019

Research paper on a problem pertinent to my academic major

On a problem pertinent to my academic major (chemistry). Discuss and the problem and danger of being exp - Research Paper Example These accidents notwithstanding, Chemistry remains a fulfilling career and is, indeed, one of the best in today’s labor market as well as in the future. Introduction Though Chemistry is a mature and risk-laden discipline, it is an exciting, interesting and intellectually stimulating as well as financially rewarding career. Chemistry as a science deals with the investigation of the properties, composition and structure of matter, the transformation matter undergoes, and the energy changes associated with the transformation (Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2011). Chemistry has played and is playing a crucial role in conquering diseases, solving energy problems, addressing environmental problems, providing the discoveries that lead to new industries, and developing new materials and technologies for defense and global security. These represent some of the major issues that confront our society today and chemistry occupies a central position in resolving these issues. Thus the chemist re mains a relevant member of today society and will occupy that position as long as life exists on our planet. Apart from the reputation of being a chemist, is the fact that with a median annual salary of $90,000, the chemistry profession remains one of the best in the labor market (Peter, 2010). Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of today’s chemistry, offers the chemist the opportunity to connect with other members of the scientific community such as biologist, physicists, environmental scientist, geologist, geneticists, and even government policy makers. Thus the chemist is not an isolated individual rather a well-connected personality collaborating with others to make life on our planet exciting and interesting. The nature of current research in chemistry is another plus to the profession; indeed, today’s chemistry is interesting as well as intellectually stimulating. As chemist work in collaboration with biologist and physicist and other scientist to unveil na ture’ secrets, surprising yet interesting facts are gathered. Each answer creates more problems that need to be solved. This makes Chemistry the ideal science for anyone with creativity, intelligence, and persistence. As promising and fulfilling as Chemistry is as a profession, the profession has its other side. Chemistry has killed a lot of chemists even the most careful ones. Working in a chemistry laboratory is laden with risks. Exposure to chemicals has immediate as well as chronic effects. Injuries have been reported from implosion as well as explosion in the chemistry laboratory. Chemists have caught fire in the laboratory while some have died gradually without knowing due to exposure to ionizing radiation and toxic chemicals. It is worth mentioning that most of these accidents in laboratory are preventable if precautionary measures are followed. Given these risks associated with Chemistry, one cannot help but ask if Chemistry is worth practicing. This article seeks to answer that question. Discussion The benefits of being of chemist Key among the factors that influence career choices is economic & personal satisfaction, personal esteem, and society recognition (Bolles, 2008). With a median salary of $90,000, which is higher than the national $29,000 median salary, chemistry is a paying profession (Peter, 2010). According to the

Apples directional strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Apples directional strategy - Essay Example In advancing through future markets it’s clear that these aspects will constitute the backbone of Apple’s directional strategy. Within this context of understanding, it’s further necessary for the company to implement leverage as a means of retaining their competitive advantage. Sales of the Apple Macintosh as well as iPod and iTunes technology are such that the company is given access to many new segments of the population. In these regards, it’s necessary for the company to implement their consumer access as permitted in this software as a means of promoting innovative software design and industry leading brand. The following years will be a telling period for Apple in terms of whether they are able to continue this innovate product development after the death of company CEO Jobs, but with the corporation’s significant leverage and brand identity there exists plentiful opportunity for the continuation of the success the company has enjoyed in the previous

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reading response papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Reading response papers - Essay Example In the same manner, the individuality of phenomena is not commensurate with the pecuniary  Ã‚  principle. Money is concerned only with what is common to all: it asks for the exchange value,  it reduces all quality and individuality to the question: How much? All intimate emotional relations between persons are founded in their individuality, whereas in rational relations man is reckoned with like a number,like an element which is in itself indifferent. Only the objective measurable achievement is of interest. Thus metropolitan man reckons with his merchants and customers, his domestic servants and often even with persons with whom he is obliged to have social intercourse. These features of intellectuality contrast with the nature of the  small circle  in which the inevitable knowledge of individuality as inevitably produces a warmer tone of behavior, a behavior which is beyond a mere objective balancing of service and return. In the sphere of the economic psychology of the sm all group it is of importance that under primitive conditions production serves the customer who orders the good, so that the producer and the consumer are acquainted. The modern metropolis, however, is supplied almost entirely by production for the market, that is, for entirely unknown purchasers who never personally enter the producers actual field of vision. Through this anonymity the interests of each party acquire an unmerciful matter-of-factness; and the intellectually calculating economic egoisms of both parties need not fear any deflection because of the imponderables of personal relationships. The money economy  Ã‚  dominates the metropolis; it has displaced the last survivals of domestic production and the direct barter of goods; it minimizes, from day to day, the amount of work ordered by customers. The matter-of-fact attitude is obviously so intimately interrelated with the money

Key features of skill and composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Key features of skill and composition - Essay Example The game ensures that each player is concentrating on making goals. Thus, each player must also focus on playing an aggressive and intense game ensuring effective communication and making quick decisions along the way. The most important aspect of the game is playing in synchrony which allows an effective and victorious game for the team (Hale & Collins). With the game being as competitive as it is, it is necessary for the players to be well-versed in the knowledge of the game along with being agile and highly skilled. The basic skill required by any rugby player is their use of the ball. This includes how the player picks up the ball, how to control the ball by falling onto it and how to pick up a ball from the ground (Oberhoizer). While these might seem like minute details to the discerning eye they will be of great importance during the game. The skills required for rugby concentrate not on the ball alone. The handling of the ball is also of great importance. The different handling of the ball is important as are the tackling skills while running with the ball. Included in these are the kicking skills that ensure that the player excels not only by running with the ball but also protecting the ball from defense. The passing skills are just as important. Thus, catching, passing, kicking, tackling and evasion are all considered to be important skills while playing rugby. With all these skills it's expected for rugby to be a difficult and strenuous game to play. It is for this reason that playing a safe game is vital to ensure the true spirit of the game (Greenwood 2003). Every player is expected to use exercises that best manipulate and create their skills to help in the game. Not only are the players taught skills but also how to implement these skills in the best way possible (Passos 2008). The traditional modes of rugby teachings are deterministic. They leave no place for spontaneity instead depending on the playing itself. The performance of the players is kept against the variations in play because of the uncertainty of the game. Thus when the game is planned, coaches work to ensure that the variability of the players' actions and their decision making skills are decreased because of the plans that they must play out. This can be done by practicing skills without any opposition or facing passive opposition to ensure that the team's skills are p erfected. It also includes practicing drills in a repetitive order to make sure that the players movements are not uncertain during the game. By practicing according to these rules, the movements of the players become fluid and predictable, reducing the chances of a mistake or surprise move during the game. However, the playing of the game itself is still dependant on the agility and skills of each individual. There is also the belief that it is necessary for any successful player to change and adapt accordingly to the game. Even if the player has practiced a specific move, the changing dynamics of the game will ensure that it's difficult to imply them. Thus, according to Lebed it is vital for the players to be accustomed to playing a competitive match (2006). This is a far cry from the traditional methods which decide on a planned game. The biggest criticism is the fact that this type of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reading response papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Reading response papers - Essay Example In the same manner, the individuality of phenomena is not commensurate with the pecuniary  Ã‚  principle. Money is concerned only with what is common to all: it asks for the exchange value,  it reduces all quality and individuality to the question: How much? All intimate emotional relations between persons are founded in their individuality, whereas in rational relations man is reckoned with like a number,like an element which is in itself indifferent. Only the objective measurable achievement is of interest. Thus metropolitan man reckons with his merchants and customers, his domestic servants and often even with persons with whom he is obliged to have social intercourse. These features of intellectuality contrast with the nature of the  small circle  in which the inevitable knowledge of individuality as inevitably produces a warmer tone of behavior, a behavior which is beyond a mere objective balancing of service and return. In the sphere of the economic psychology of the sm all group it is of importance that under primitive conditions production serves the customer who orders the good, so that the producer and the consumer are acquainted. The modern metropolis, however, is supplied almost entirely by production for the market, that is, for entirely unknown purchasers who never personally enter the producers actual field of vision. Through this anonymity the interests of each party acquire an unmerciful matter-of-factness; and the intellectually calculating economic egoisms of both parties need not fear any deflection because of the imponderables of personal relationships. The money economy  Ã‚  dominates the metropolis; it has displaced the last survivals of domestic production and the direct barter of goods; it minimizes, from day to day, the amount of work ordered by customers. The matter-of-fact attitude is obviously so intimately interrelated with the money

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Anthropology of tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anthropology of tourism - Essay Example on that the more people have to connect, the more reasons arise as to why people would appear to become desperate to unplug.1 It thus leads to the thesis; tourism remains to be a complex phenomenon that can be understood fully through adopting a multidisciplinary approach. The paper is thus going to justify on this these in relation to Pico Iyers concept of tourism. Right from the start of the book, Pico is explaining as to why he starts thinking of how going slow could be more exhilarating in the age of speed. More, Pico claims that he could feel more luxurious through paying attention in an age of distraction. When it comes to the age of constant movement, Pico argues that it is more fascinating when one sits still in a specific location. Pico acknowledges that one is bound to experience a tremendous time by going on a vacation to Paris, Hawaii or New Orleans.2 However, he goes ahead to justify on his idea that in case one wants to feel new, feel alive, feel full of fresh hope, and to fall in love with world, then the best place for an individual to visit if by going nowhere. Pico in such concepts is trying to explain and justify the reason why being present remains to be more beneficial than compared to jet-setting across the world. The question that one might ask is; how could a traveler like Pico Iyer, being an individual that has journeyed in many areas like Easter Island to Ethiopia and from Cuba to Kathmandu, goes about saying that sitting quite in a room could be the ultimate adventure? Part of the reason as to why Pico presents this view is that people are living in a madly accelerating world, whereby their lives are crowded, very chaotic and noisy. It is by this reason that Pico goes ahead to explain that there is a greater need for slowing down, be able to tune out and give self permission of sitting still for the purpose of achieving the ultimate goal of feeling new, feeling alive, feeling full of fresh hope, and to falling in love with world. The

Monday, October 14, 2019

Progressive Movement Era Essay Example for Free

Progressive Movement Era Essay Progressive Movement is defined as an effort to cure and prevent many of the ills of American society after significant industrial growth took place in the end of the 19th century. This movement promoted the idea that all people are equally capable of improving ills of society. Progressivism strongly rejected Social Darwinism. Moreover, the Movement strongly opposed corruption in all its displays and supported trends to make the country defend worker’s rights. Progressivisms tended to protect ordinary citizens, though it rejected the church stressing that it shouldn’t be the driving force for changes. Speaking about beliefs of Progressive Movement it is necessary to underline that its leaders promoted urban-industrial society. Moreover, they believed in human abilities to make our society better by improving living conditions. Further, they believed in necessity to intervene in social, political and economic affairs of the country. Speaking about views of trusts, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 appeared to be effective federal measure aiming at limiting the power of companies to control the highest percentage of the market share. In other words, Progressivism promoted the idea of intervention into all spheres of government. Progressive leaders argued that effective means should be implemented to deal with the ills produced by trusts. They referred to trust-busting and regulatory approaches. In foreign policy Progressive leaders practiced more imperialistic and active approach in contrast to the Founding Fathers. For example, Roosevelt claimed that global imperialism was the best policy, whereas Wilson sent American troops for inevitable death to make the world ‘safer for democracy’. In conclusion it is necessary to admit that the sites used for writing the paper are very effective at enhancing my understanding of Progressive Movement as they offer detailed overview of beliefs, motivations, foreign and domestic policies, trust and anti-trust views, etc. Moreover, they offer different perspectives on the matter of interest. References Ideas and Movements: The Progressive Movement of 19th Century. (2002). Retrieved February 27, 2008, from Progressive Era. (2004). Retrieved February 27, 2008, from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Deconstruction And Methods Of Demolition Construction Essay

Deconstruction And Methods Of Demolition Construction Essay There are many advantages of deconstruction over standard demolition. These advantages include (1) conservation of landfill space; (2) makes recycling easier; (3) potential building materials available for reuse; (4) preserves natural resources that would otherwise have to be used. In order to minimise the amount of natural resources being used and the energy involved in manufacturing these materials, a cautious approach to the disposal of CD waste needs to considered. Reusing materials prevents the use of embodied energy. This is the energy that goes into the production and manufacturing of a new product. Reducing the amount of energy required in manufacturing, producing and transporting new products leads to a reduction in damage to the environment. The figure below shows a system which could be implemented in order to limit the number of materials being disposed of on construction sites. Waste Management Hierarchy for construction and demolition operations Challenges facing deconstruction There are a number of challenges which face deconstruction including (1) tools needed for deconstruction do not always exist; (2) disposal costs of CD waste is relatively low; (3) deconstruction takes up more time than conventional demolition; (4) building and design codes do not always cover the reuse of building materials; (5) buildings are not designed to be dismantled; (6) the environmental and economic advantages of deconstruction are not recognized. Deconstruction around the world Australia Volume of waste produced The total volume of waste produced in Australia almost doubled between 1997 and 2007. In 1997, the total volume of waste produced in Australia stood at 22.7 million tonnes while in 2007, the total volume of waste shot up to 43.8 million tonnes. While 29% of the total waste produced was directly from household waste, the CD sector accounted for almost 40%. (ABS, 2010) Demolition Procedure The Netherlands Waste Tax Waste taxes are placed on waste brought to the landfill or to the incinerator. The rate of tax can vary depending on the type of waste. In 1995, the Netherlands imposed a tax on the disposal of waste. The reason for this tax was to make other forms of waste treatment more appealing. Since the introduction of the tax the total volume of waste sent to landfills has decreased by a significant amount. The figure below shows how the huge decline in waste sent to landfills since the tax was imposed in 1995. (Oosterhuis et al, 2009) This landfill tax is always on the increase in the Netherlands. In 2009, the landfill tax was à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ã‚ ¬90 per toone. This is one of the highest landfill tax rates in the European Union. (, 2010) Waste production and treatment in the Netherlands Landfill Waste Ban Along with imposing waste taxes, the Netherlands also implemented bans on sending recyclable and combustible waste to the landfill. This came into operation in 1997. This included separated CD waste. The reason for this ban was to limit the amount of waste going to landfills which is seen as the least favoured method of disposal. The responsibility for implementing the ban lies with the landfill operators who are inspected regularly by the governmentà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s waste management agency, SenterNovern. The introduction of the ban in the Netherlands proved to be a success in cutting down the amount of CD waste sent to landfill. In 2009, 97% of CD waste in the Netherlands is recovered. ( Deconstruction Procedure Step 1 The first step in dismantling a building is to check to see if the building contains any hazardous substances. One of the main hazardous wastes which cause concern in Ireland is asbestos. This is a natural mineral which is used in many buildings for fire proofing or thermal insulation. The danger with asbestos is that if it breaks up, the fibres which make up asbestos may then be inhaled into the lungs as dust. This increases the risk of lung cancer and causes lung tissue scarring. Under EU legislation it is no longer allowable to re-use asbestos or to even buy products containing asbestos in Ireland. This means that asbestos cannot be recycled; it must be disposed of after it has been removed from the building. ( Step 2 After a specialist contractor strips the building of all hazardous materials it is time to investigate the building and salvage any objects that can be reused as they are. This may include marble fireplaces, timber floors, radiators, doors, sinks and central heating boilers. Step 3 The building is categorised under one of the following three headings: Brickwork or block work buildings with timber floors and timber roof structure with roof tiles. Concrete frame buildings with prestressed concrete components. Steel frame buildings. Step 4: For all three categories above, the next step is to remove the flooring, tiles, plaster from the walls and ceiling. Windows are removed along with services installations (e.g. wall plugs, light switches). Metals are then removed and piping is also removed before the proper demoltion of the building starts. Step 5: There are a number of different types of waste that arise from stripping the building. These should be then split up into burnable and non-burnable materials. The burnable components brought to be incinerated while the non-burnables brought to the landfill. Step 6: Demolition: Brickwork or block work buildings with timber floors and timber roof structure with roof tiles. When every component of the building has been removed with the exception of the masonry works and the floors it is time to start taking the building apart floor by floor. Floor joists and timber floors are removed using a crane. These timber joists and flooring can then be reused. The advantage to using these second hand joists and flooring is that they are fully seasoned meaning they will not shrink. After the timber has been removed, the masonry blockwork is cut into sections and transported to be crushed. It may also be the case that the blockwork may be needed by the owner of the building in a new construction project. In this case the blocks are pulled down one by one and the mortar removed. Concrete frame buildings with prestressed concrete components. Prestressed concrete components in a building cause problems when it comes to disassembly because most of the time it is not known that the elements are actually prestressed. If prestessed concrete is cut up it may cause a structural element in the buiding to collapse. Steel frame buildings. The beams are dismantled one by one working from the top down. If the steel beams cannot be reused then they are cut and to be melted and remouilded. From time to time, steel structures like bridges are only partially taken apart and shipped overseas where the exact bridge is reused in another location. Step 7: The foundations of the building are th final step in the deconstruction of a building. Like the other elements of the structure the foundation is separated, broken up and transported to the crusher. In the case of concrete piles, they are removed by vibrating and pulling. If it is the case that wooden piles have been used as the foundation then it may be more difficult to remove as it will tend to break into pieves when being pulled from the ground. Demolition Techniques Balling This is the demolition technique where a heavy cast iron or steel ball is used to knock a building. The ball usually weighs between 500 to 5000kg. The balling technique can be used to demolish concrete, reinforced conrete and masonry. It has become less popular due to the level of disturbance which arises on site including vibrations, noise and dust.The ball can come into contact with the building in two ways (1) free fall (2) swinging. In the free fall process the demolition ball is lifted up into the air by a large magnet and then it is dropped onto the building which is to be demolished. In the swinging process the demolition ball is attached to a steel line which is attached to a machine with a rotating frame. Demolition Ball at work Demolition Breakers There are two types of breakers used in demolition (1) pneumatic (2) hydraulic. The difference between the two is pneumatic breakers are run using compressed air while hydraulic breakers use compressed oil. These type of breakers are used on concrete, brickwork and stone. Both types of breakers are mainly associated with minor demolition works, however they can also be attached to excavators for major demolition works. Pneumatic Breaker Hydraulic Shears Hydraulic shears are attached to excavators. They can be used in the demolition of any size structures and a wide range of materials like steel, concrete and timber. The two shears have toothed shears which slide past eachother to break up the selected material. Hydraulic Shears cutting steel Thermal Cutting Thermal cutting is used to cut steel and iron. Cutting torches are used for this process. There are three types of cutting torches (1) fuel/oxygen (2) powder (3) plasma. The fuel/oxygen cutting torches are run on a combination of oxegen and fuels such as natural gas, propane and acetylene which cuts at a maximum temperature of 3200 degrees Celsius. The choice of the fuel depends on the thickness of the metal. If the metal is too thick for a regular cutting torch then a powder cutting torch can be used. These can reach a maximum temperature of 4500 degrees Celsius. The powder cutting torch is more expensive than the regular cutting torches because there is an extra fed in the torch which allows aluminium and iron powder to be supplied. This is what increases the temperature of the flame. The plasma cutting is run by supplying electrical energy to gases such as helium and argon. These are used to cut alloyed steel which can be a slow process using the other two methods. Plasma cutting torches can cut up to four time faster than powder cuttinf torches. Explosives Explosives can be used in the demolition of buildings. Explosives can be set of using a wide variety of detonators which allows different detonation speeds. Explosions can be set off immediately or can be delayed by milliseconds if required. By blasting certain components of the building before others, it will allow the collapse of the structure to be carried out in a controlled manner. Even though this may help in accurately collapsing the building, there are still numerous examples of demolitions that have gone wrong when explosives have been used. This is why a large area must be cordoned off around the demolition site before blasting takes place. Crushing Separating CD Waste Immediately after a structure has been demolished it is transported a treatment plant where crushing and separating takes place. This enables new materials to be produced. The CD waste must go through a number of processes before it is recycled. It must get sieved, pre crushed to prevent the lager materials from damaging the main crusher and all material such as steel, glass, plastics and timber must be removed manually, by air separation or by washing. The materials must then be sieved at the end of the process in order to get the requied sizing for the new material. Jaw Crusher The jaw crusher is the machine use to pre-crush the CD waste. Large components such as reinforced concrete can be fed directly into the toggle crusher and are broken down into smaller piece by the moving jaw plate. Jaw Crusher Cone Breaker This type of machine cannot deal with large CD waste. After the waste has been pre-crushed the cone breaker is used as the main crusher. Inside this crushing machine is a cone that moves at high speed crushing waste material against fixed plates. Cone Breaker

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Impact of the Proposed Devolution for Scotland :: History

Impact of the Proposed Devolution for Scotland Britain has never relished doses of constitutional reform, although they have accepted the drip-feed of frequent, unpalatable and ill-fated local government changes. Ambivalence to reform was reinforced in recent decades. The 1974 Labour government proposed an ambitious program of devolution for Scotland and Wales. It was a luckless policy, not least because of Labour’s divisions. Now it is all different. The case for Scottish devolution is being argued with renewed vigour. Its consideration is linked with proportional representation for a Scottish assembly. (Rt. Hon. Lord Biffen) With Britain being so against constitutional reform in the past, the impact of such reform could be perpetuated by such reform coming at the same time as many other policies on reform, such as devolution in Wales and Northern Ireland. These reforms have all come at the same time and in a short span of time since Labour only became government in May 1997. Devolution as described by Bogdanor is the delegation of power to local or regional administration, so power is dispersed from a superior to an inferior political authority, or to be more precise it consists of a sub-ordinate elected body on a geographical basis of functions at present exercised by Parliament. Scotland is to have its own parliament, while still remaining part of the United Kingdom. A referendum held in September 1997 endorsed the Scottish parliament by a substantial majority; 78% voted for a separate assembly, although the turnout was only 62% of the electorate. Now that the legislation has passed through Parliament, it will be introduced as soon as possible. Elections for 129 Members will be held in early 1999. It is expected that the parliament, which will be situated in Edinburgh, will become fully operational in the year 2000. The responsibilities which will be transferred to the Scottish parliament will include: - health, education and training, local government, housing, sports and the arts, economic development, law and home affairs and the environment. Among the areas of responsibility, which will remain at Westminster, are - overseas affairs, defence, national security, economic and monetary policy, employment legislation and social security. Of the 62% of the electorate who turned out to the referendum, 68% agreed that the Scottish parliament should have some tax raising powers, there is however a limit on the amount this tax can be raised which will be up to 3p in the pound.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mongol Brutality Essay

Although the Christian and Muslim warriors were of extreme cruelty, the Mongols brutality and carelessness was far greater because of their battle tactics, physiological warfare, and weaponry. These ‘barbarians’ captured a surplus amount of land in a stunning amount of time with questionable war tactics. Despite the brutality of the Mongols, Christian and Muslin warriors began to become more and more merciless. All three of these groups of warriors prove to be dangerous and cruel, but the Mongols seem to have the perfect mix of terror and destruction to make them the most brutal. The Mongols warfare tactics, although quite cruel, proved effective. When the Mongols wanted a village or town to expand their empire, they attacked with full force. The devastating thing about these attacks though, was the ‘no mercy’ kind of mindset they showed. These warriors were known to kill everything to get what they wanted, men, women, and children alike. The Muslim and Christian warriors were thought to have slaughtered whole towns before, but unlike the Mongols, it was not a tactic they were known for. The Mongol people were feared everywhere they went as word spread about these ruthless attacks. The fear these warriors inflicted on some people was enough to surrender attacks and turn over cities before a battle even began. Although whenever the Muslim or Christian warriors approached a battle, it was fought. This proves just how cruel yet skilled these Mongol warriors must have been. However, in most cases, just surrendering seemed to be the better idea, because in the case you didn’t, your city may have been looted and burned with all your people slaughtered. The Mongols success and expansion is largely due not only to their war tactics but also to their advanced weaponry. The Mongols were expert horsemen and masters of the bow and arrow, therefore adding to their success. These warriors used special ‘long bowsâ€℠¢ to have more powerful and precise a weapon; they also used horses to charge into villages and slaughter those inside. Worst of all, the Mongols were thought to have catapulted dead bodies infected with the plague over city walls to kill all of the residents through biological warfare. The Christian and Muslim warriors, although with good weapons, could not match the expertise, power, and experience the Mongols had with their weapons. Their weaponry was simply more advanced and powerful adding to the brutality of these cruel Mongols. The Mongols were extremely powerful warriors, with disturbingly merciless attacks. These warriors’ slaughtered entire towns,  looted cities, and then burned them to the ground. The Christian and Muslim ways of warfare could in some aspects be similar to that of the Mongols, but not nearly to the extent of the Mongols. These warriors who made cities surrender before an attack even began and who had advanced weaponry matched with expert and experienced weapon holders were practically unstoppable. These cruel slaughtering’s, feared attacks, and powerful weap ons used with no mercy outweigh any opposition in the argument of why the Mongols were more brutal than Christian and Muslim warriors.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Julian Assange: Hero or Terrorist

Attention Getter: George Orwell once said,† Political Language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. † 2. Bond: Link to Audience: It’s easy to take our 1st amendment rights for granted but imagine if we didn’t have them anymore. Can you imagine living in an America where it’s considered treason to say what you think and to tell the world what you know? Well, that is what the current battle between our government and Julian Assange is about. . †Credentials† of speaker: I have been following the developing story of Julian Assange for the last 3 years. So, it’s fair to say that I know a little bit about him. 4. Thesis: My research leads me to believe that Julian Assange should be afforded the same rights as every other journalist. 5. Speech Preview: First, I’m going to talk about the global smear campaign against Julian Assange. After that, I’m going to talk about the violations that the U. S. is posing to his human rights.Finally, I am going to talk about what America is going to look like if we don’t have our rights anymore. 6. Transition: But let’s start with the smears that have been dealt to Julian Assange. II. Body 1. Main Point #1: a. State Point 1: A global smear campaign is going on right this moment against Julian Assange. b. Argument: Some are saying that he is a woman raping terrorist. c. Proof: In an article by BBC News, Julian Assange said he believes that currently there is a global smear campaign to make him look disreputable and crazy.I read in an eBook called, Assange Agonistes that Nick Davies, a journalist for the New York Times, said that America’s preferred method of control is through Media management. He also said that the American government is,† the biggest media manipulation machine in the history of mankind. † I think that this is absolutely true because this isn ’t the first time the U. S. government has used smear tactics against someone who stood up against them. I discovered 2 other incidents where our government and a major bank had smeared someone’s name through the use of exual misconduct charges; the first being Scott Ritter. I watched a video on YouTube by The Young Turks, where they were discussing the allegations that were brought up against Julian Assange. In the video they were talking about how Scott Ritter, a decorated war veteran, who spoke out against the war in Iraq and said that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Soon after Ritter made that statement, alleged sex charges were brought up against him to make him look like a dirty old rapist who would do anything to make our government look bad.The second case I also discovered was about Elliot Spitzer, who accused the banks of insider trading. Suddenly the North Fork Bank reported to the IRS that Spitzer was using funds to pay for a hooker and s ex charges were brought up against him. Due to the media scandal he resigned from his position as Governor of New York because it painted a negative reflection on our government. d. Give an Example: In an article that I read on Wired. com it talks about a woman that has accused Julian Assange of raping her. In the article it describes the process by which this woman describes her â€Å"incident† with Assange.Ms. Anna Ardin said that he pinned her down to the bed when she reached for a condom, but then he consented and put a condom on. According to Ms. Ardin she feels she was raped because the condom broke at some point in time during the act. While I was investigating I found out that she had posted to her blog the â€Å"7 steps to get legal revenge. † I personally don’t find her story very credible after reading a translation of her blog. Ms. Ardin is known in Sweden for her feministic views  on how men achieve social dominance through sex.The government was anxious to pounce on her accusations of rape even though she is a known feminist with a history of reporting baseless rape. I do not find this a coincidence that a few days before the rape accusation Mr. Assange had released an embarrassing video of US soldiers gunning down no less than a dozen unarmed civilians in Iraq, while they were talking about it like it was a game of Call of Duty. Julian believes it was not a coincidence that after he embarrassed the U. S. by leaking this video, he was then accused of a crime that would have him extradited back to Sweden and then to the U. S. for further punishment.This was before they discovered there was nothing that the US government could charge him with and it was a violation of his human rights to send him to Sweden where he hadn’t been charged for the alleged crime. To date Julian has never been charged with the rape of this woman and has been confined to house arrest for more than 500 days without any charge against him. e. Re state the point: There is a global smear campaign set against Julian Assange because he is the face of WikiLeaks. g. Transition Sentence: Next, let’s talk about the violation to his rights. 2. Main Point #2: Solutions to those problems . State Point 2: The U. S. government is violating Julian Assange’s human rights.b. Argument: In an article by The Atlantic quoted Hillary Clinton saying that Julian Assange was attacking their international community. c. Refutation: Julian Assange is a journalist and is protected by the U. N. ’s Declaration of Human Rights under article 19. Under article 19 it says: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. . Give an Example: In 1968 when we were in the thick of the Vietnam War there was a man named Daniel Ellsberg that was courageous and released classified Pentagon documents to the New York Times. On History. com and from my uncle, who was a journalist in the Vietnam War, I learned that that the war ended earlier as a result of a public outcry, where 75% of the American population protested the war. Daniel Ellsberg also helped end the war by releasing classified documents that exposed the lies that made us go to war in the first place which forced President Reagan to withdraw from Vietnam.If we stand together and say that we need to stop unjustly blaming Julian Assange for promoting a more transparent government and take a look at what it is that we are unknowingly promoting. Julian Assange believes that we have the right to know about the lies and secret dealings going on by our government. It is our right to know what they are saying and doing behind closed doors. Yes, there are instances where our government needs to have secrets, but that doesn’t mean that they can to lie to us about the general majority of secr et dealings that are going on.If Julian Assange is attacking our International Community then maybe it needs to be attacked because what is going on right now and all the lies that we are being told need to be known. We need to see just what is going on. We need to know why the rest of the world hates us so much. e. Restate the Point: Julian Assange’s human rights are being violated and we need to do something about it. 3. Main Point #3: Visualization a. State Point 3: Imagine an America where it becomes treason to say what you think and to tell others about it. b.Argument: Our government would say that there is a need to be censored in order to keep us safe. c. Refutation: Our 1st Amendment rights are going to disappear if we don’t halt this violation right now. Pretty soon we’re going to be trapped in a world where we don’t have our most basic of rights. Imagine a world populated with militarized police and being under lock down in an authoritarian dict atorship where we no longer have any rights or freedom. How many of you believe that the governments placing cameras on the roads and on top of buildings are really about watching traffic?I believe that it is really about watching the people. So, it’s already begun. d. Give an Example: We need to stand together and we need to tell our friends and loved ones. Spread the word tell people about what’s going on! Everyone needs to know that our rights are at risk right now! e. Restate the point: America is going to change dramatically if Julian Assange is arrested for being a journalist. f. Transition: Let’s summarize what I have been talking to you about today. III. Conclusion 1.Restate thesis: Julian Assange should be afforded the same rights as every other Journalist. 2. Restate main points: Julian Assange is being attacked by so many companies and governments. His rights are being violated and it’s going to change America if our government succeeds in arre sting Julian Assange. 3. Call- to-Action: Protest! Say what you think! We need to challenge our government and show them that they are wrong because if we don’t America, the so-called land of the free, is soon to be the Soviet America.