Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Social Media Marking Business Plan Research Proposal

Social Media Marking Business Plan - Research Proposal Example The interaction of the users and the communities in social media leads to higher interaction between the groups. The daily updates provided by the businesses on its offerings and discounts could be viewed by the customers using the online platform. Apart from this, the customers could also put up queries on the products and offerings of the business. The customers could exchange their views and share their experiences with each other using the social media network (Barefoot and  Szabo, 2009). This leads to further spread of the brand image of the companies which gains further popularity among the communities. Thus social media helps the business to enhance the prospects of marketing the products and services as per the business plan. Proposed research question The research question proposed for this study is â€Å"What are the ways in which the companies could effectively implement the business marketing plans using the social media platform?† Objective of the research probl em The research question designed for this study has the objective of exploring the different ways that could be adopted by the companies using the social media platforms for marketing their business plans. The various tools and techniques that could be adopted by the companies for marketing the products and services of the company have been identified and analyzed in this research. The findings are to be disseminated to the companies that would find these tools to be effective in implementation of marketing of their respective business plans. Literature review â€Å"Lips To Go† is a restaurant and cafe located in Iowa in the United States. The restaurant offers delicious and mouthful dishes of baked chicken, pizza, salads, soups, various other variations of chicken, lip specials, etc. â€Å"Lips To Go† is exploring the prospects of social media marketing as one of its potential business plans. The various daily updates and offerings of the restaurants are to be market ed on a daily basis. In its plight of reaching out to the customers in order to achieve the set business targets of the restaurant, â€Å"Lips To Go† could choose the several social media platforms available for marketing its business of restaurant and cafe. In order to utilize the social media platform for marketing its products and services to the customers, the restaurant needs to form a community in the social media platforms like face-book, twitter, linked-in, you-tube, etc (Evans, 2010). The social media marketing plans to enhance the restaurant and cafe business are quite significant for the features of flexibility and accessibility to its customers. The social media platforms provide opportunity for the business to market its products and offerings on a daily basis. With the help of social media platforms, the business could increase the interaction with the customers. Due to high rates of voluntary engagement by the prospective customers, the customers express their desires and concerns about the restaurants and the dishes offered by the restaurants. The restaurants advertise and promote the delicious dishes of chicken and its variations, soups, salads, pizzas, etc. The customers are able to use the social media platform in viewing the campaigns of the business and take decisions after due exchange of information. The increase in interaction leads to the spread of the brand name of the restaurant and cafe. The interface between the communities in the social med

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